Part 19

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"Hello" the little girl with blonde hair waved to the group as Wrecker bent down getting a closer look while Tech investigated too

"It's a girl, never seen one?" Sixty said while hitting Wrecker on his shoulder

The girl introduced herself happily "My name's Omega. I was wondering when you guys would come back"

Sixty scoffed "I hoped to never return to this shitty place" she whispered under her breath as Hunter hit her on the shoulder as a sign to knock it off as he stepped forward

"You know who we are?" Questioned Wrecker

the girl started to list names "Hunter, Echo, Tech, Wrecker, Sixty, and Crosshair."
"You're Clone force 99."

Hunter bent down to meet the eye level of the kid "what are you doing on Kamino, kid?"
Omega was about to answer when someone answered for her

"Her job, of course. she is my medical assistant, one with a curious mind that causes her to wander." the Kaminoan answered

"Jeez last time I wondered around I got PTSD," Sixty thought

"Come, Omega. There's work to do." She said while placing a hand on Omega's shoulder before turning toward Sixty
"And Sixty, I hope to see you soon in my lab to do your examination"

The two headed away from the group when Hunter crossed his arms

"This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder"

the boys went to the dining hall

as Sixty hung back in the Barracks to avoid the looks and the annoying comments from the regs she bounced a ball off the top of her bed as she thought



flashback. (minor NSFW not smut)

Sixty sat in the middle of the hallway crying as someone walked by but something in Sixty snapped as she cried louder that made the person stop in their tracks walking up to the child when kneeling down

"What's wrong?" the person asked before Sixty grabbed the knife that she was given from her father off her belt and stabbed the person in the stomach with it as they fell onto the white hallway as the person kept the blade in a while gasping for air

She snapped back into reality with an annoying ringing in her ear as she looked down to see the person in Pain

"I'm so sorry" she cried as used her white jacket as something to help with the wound as she wrapped it around the person's waist as she went crying for help

the blood on white clothing as she walked up to a worker

"What's wrong Sixty?" the worker questioned before looking up to see the girl in blood and pointing at something in the distant

"MASTER JEDI!" the worker yelled before radioing in help as the whole facility went into a panic thinking there was an attack the worker left Sixty there as the young girl started to cry more from the overwhelming alarms and lights.

end of flashback



Sixty sat up quickly as she stood up from her bed and went over to the window as she wondered
"I wonder if my blade is still somewhere here?" she thought
as she exited the barracks and walked toward the Lab she walked by scientists and clones as she made a sharp turn towards the lab as opened the door with the key pin that hasn't changed in years

she entered the white lab and went over to some of the storage areas as she sorted through the draws, opening and closing them

before something caught her eye as she walked over to the drawer

"they would have kept it since it was Jango blade" she mumbled before she saw a drawer that she opened to reveal her lost blade

still had the dried-up blood and the scratches she made on it as a child, she examined it for a moment as she heard the door keypad enter a code she quickly closed the drawer and hid the blade as one of the Workers entered

"Ahh, little Sia," the old worker Castor said while standing in the door frame

Sixty reset easily since it was one of her favorite workers in the facility Castor, which made her time here more easygoing

"You know Castor, Sia isn't my real name" Sixty Laughed as Castor laughed as well he entered further into the lab

"I always felt like Sixty it did fit, but I always wanted to name one of my kids Sia" Castor smiled as he typed a few things into the computers

"What brings you to a part of my Lab, Sia I mean Sixty?" He questioned

"I was trying to find my old bedroom, but I got lost," Sixty said while exiting the area

Castor smiled "Well, I best you must run before the others see you and you get into some trouble, how about we meet up later?" Questioned Castor as Sixty nodded

as she Exited the lab as Castor walked over to where Sixty once was to see if she got his Present. he opened the drawer to examine it and the blade was gone just as he expected

"I'm glad your still sharp as a needle Sia" Castor Smiled before walking over to his sample area to continue his research


Author Notes:

I'm pretty sure they changed the spelling of Crosshair's name in The Bad batch or something because before the subtitles pick his name up as

"Crossheir" now its



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