Part 17

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Series--- > Bad Batch 



if I had known what I know now, I- would have explained it better

The bad batch got a call for reinforcement from a Jedi Padawan named Caleb as the team slide down the snowy mountain as the team made a big snowfall as they shot down droids, blew up, and smashed

as Crossheir stayed on the high ground getting his shots clear the team focused on the tanks as they slowly pushed them off the cliff as destroyed the rest of the clones

as the team gathered together to meet up with the Jedi General as they discussed a counter-attack Hunter talked to the Jedi while Sixty felt a ringing in her head as she smacked it as she center her attention towards the Jedi walking forward toward them 

"Care to introduce your new friends, Caleb?" Asked the older Jedi as the younger Jedi nodded his head

"Of course Master" 

He started to name the clones while pointing toward them

"Wrecker, Hunter, Echo, Tech, Sixty, and Crossheir" Caleb introduce them

"While I'm not sure "fun" is the sentiment I would express, I agree with my padawan. Your exploits were quite impressive." The older Jedi said as Wrecker turned to Sixty

"Exploits?" Wrecker Questioned as he turned to sixty for reassurance

"Don't overthink it Wrecker" Crossheir said while walking away

"Now, would one of you please explain where my actual reinforcements are? " Questioned the General as Sixty still felt uncomfortable with the ringing in her ears as she flinched and Wrecker looked over towards her with worry 

as she quickly perked up 

"Rerouted to the capital. We're all you're getting." Hunter Said 

"Don't stress, we're more than enough" Sixty said
as Wrecker smiled "Damn right"

"Actually, if my intel is correct the general will not need any of us," Tech said while typing on his wristpad
"The clone war may soon be over"

"Better tell that to the clankers headed our way," The reg said as Sixty rolled her eyes as Tech typed more

"I am referring to the encrypted comm chatter."  Tech pressed on his wrist pad
"Clone intelligence is reporting Jedi General Obi-wan Kenobi has found and engaged General Grievous on Utapau"

"If he captures or kills Grievous, The Separatist command structure will collapse," Echo said while Tech joined in
"And most likely the droid armies along with them."

The Jedi Master quickly went back onto the matter on hand 
"A fascinating theory, yet unfortunately not something we can control here. I suggest we focus on the task at hand." The Jedi Master Expressed while Hunter leaned forward 

"Any Orders? or shall we do what we do?" Hunter Questioned the Jedi master as Sixty smiled as the group helmet up as Wrecker we hyping up

The Jedi master turned to her Padawan "Well, Caleb, Shall we let them do what they do?"

"Only if I can go with them," The padawan said as the Jedi Master nodded her head as Sixty went over to the Jedi Master

"I'll stick here to help the other Clones with their battles," Sixty said as Hunter nodded as the bad batch chased after the very excited Padawn

Sixty smiled and watched as the group ran off the ringing finally stopped as she looked over to the hologram on the Clones hologram pad

"Execute Order 66" Sixty and the Clone suddenly lost all control

Sixty tried to keep her blaster down but she couldn't stop it anymore 

"I'm so sorry miss," Sixty said while she felt the Deja Vu take over She raised her blaster and started to fire as the Jedi Master got into her stance as yelled to her padawan 


"RUN, CALEB!"  she screamed 

the next second the screams stopped.
As the Jedi Master was dead in the snowy terrain as Sixty finally gained concuss of what she had done before the ringing came back into her head as she grabbed her head in pain before gathering all she had left to run back to the batch

The snow made it harder for her to find them so she just decided to go back to the ship to warm up before she got lost even more, she went onto the ship and sat down in the pilot's chair as she leaned back 

she would forever remember that day, she didn't know what made her do what she did and she didn't know what it would result to. 

As the rest of the team came back onto the ship as she quietly went back onto her bed laying down

ignoring all the chatter of the Bad Batch as she felt the rain on the ship knowing she was in a place, that she hated


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