Part 16

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Episode Unfinished Business 

The bad batch was waiting on the ship for Skywalker and Rex to come back after their meeting with the other Jedi while Sixty sat in the cockpit watching the Pod-Racing she had missed during her mission while Tech was working on the ship below 

Sixty leaned back on her chair "Oh, what I give to see a live podrace" soon she heard distant chatter and she hopped off the chair and turned off the hologram, and then checked on the fuel and ship system to make sure everything was running correctly.

As soon she heard footsteps walking up the ramp, as she looked over her shoulder to see who was coming up Anakin and the others got comfortable while Tech walked up to the Cock-pit to start typing in the destination.

Tech sat down on the pilot's chair as Sixty stared at Tech.

"I do not know why you are staring at me Sixty, please use your words," Tech said as Sixty rolled her eyes

"We all know that I pilot the ship almost all the time," Sixty said while Tech sighed

"Well this is a stealth mission and seeing how you love rocky landings, I think it would be best if I pilot," Tech said as Sixty got closer and was getting ready to push Tech off the chair but then the voice of Hunter came up

"Sixty let Tech pilot for this one," Hunter said while Tech smiled in victory and Sixty rolled her eyes

Sixty sat in the co-pilot chair as the ship started to take off while they both got off the planet and into the starry space 

"Please tell me that we are blowing something up" Wrecker exclaimed turning back towards Anakin as Anakin crossed his arm 

"Sorry wrecker, it's strictly stealth," Anakin said while Wrecker groand

"Ugh, I hate that word," Wrecker said before turning back towards the co-pit and looking out to the other ship 

As Echo got ready to send the signal 

As Sixty watched as the rest of the team sighed in relief for getting by the scanners

"Aww, but I want to blow it up" Wrecker groaned 

"I have a feeling, you will get your chance," Tech said as he brought the ship onto the side of the Cruiser As the group boarded the ship through the side

As Tech, Echo, Rex, and Anakin went into the Yellow control room as Sixty, hunter, Crossheir, and wrecker stood guarding the entrance 

Wrecker lined up next to Sixty as Wrecker leaned over 

"I don't trust this dude" Wrecker whispered 

"I don't either, Wrecker" Sixty whispered back as Anakin sent messages over to the Jedi down on the planet 


Soon droids started to go their way as the group started to fend them off as Wrecker and Sixty ran to meet Crossheir in the battle

"We got company" 

As the three shot down the droids as they started to make their way off the ship with Rex following with Tech in his arms 

"There's to many of them," Rex said as

Wrecker lowered his helmet and punched his fist "Time to lower the WRECKING BALL!" Wrecker exclaimed as he ran through the droids punching them down

Wrecker laughed as he wrecked them down as the others got covered 

"I honestly feel bad for those droids," Hunter said as Sixty nodded as Wrecker cleared them all out as the Batch followed as more droids came

"More droids," Tech said as Crossheir pushed his gun off center 

"Go, I'll buy you some time" Crossheir lined up his gun as the rest of them rushed back to the ship and through the dark smokey hallways as 

Anakin ran back to the group "Hope you're not waiting on me" 

"Now all we're missing is Crossheir"

as Crossheir ran back to the group while placing an unknown thing on the walls "missed me?"
Crossheir got his sniper ready "How touching" 

As a single shot bounced and hit all the droids until the line of droids was all on the ground dead. As Wrecker stood their disappointed as Sixty nudged him 

"Relex hunter, I bet you'll top him next time," Sixty said before walking away as Crossheir went back to rub it in more 
"No, he won't"  

Sixty hit Crossheir on the shoulder as a way to tell him to knock it off before Wrecker followed the group disappointed 


The group quickly loaded into the ship as Sixty ran to the Pilot seat before Tech could get there. Tech sighed as the ship detached off the side of the Cruiser

"Got a present for your wrecker," Anakin said while Showing Wrecker a remote control for a bomb.

As Wrecker faced glowed up in joy "Seriously?!"

"I get to blow it up, the whole stinking THING!" 

As Wrecker grabbed the remote control as he brushed off tears "This.. is the most happiest day of my life" 

As all the ships blew up while they flew away and back to the planet, as Sixty landed the ship as the group went down to meet the Other Jedi

The group loaded out of the ship and over to meet the two Jedi: Obi-wan Kenobi and Mace Windu. And then Clone Commander Cody stood next to the two Jedi as Anakin went to join the two Jedi

"Captain Rex, Coropal Echo and Clone Force 99. You all have done great service to the republic. Thanks to your courage and effort republic ship yards will soon be up and running again" Mace Windu stated and then he turned and walked away

"You've got some medals coming your way" Obi-wan said as he went to join Mace Windu as Anakin followed suit 

Rex stepped forward "Thank you General" as Rex went to the debrief as Echo started to follow but then saw that The bad batch wasn't following as well

"You coming?" Echo Questioned 

"Not really our thing" Tech said as the rest of the team agreed 

"Are you sure its your thing?" Questioned Hunter 

"What do you mean?"

Hunter stepped forward "Your path is different, like ours. Ever feel like you don't fit in with them well find us" 

The bad batch turned and walked back to the ship leaving Echo there to Talk with Rex as the bad batch lined up in front of the ship as soon Echo joined the group

As they saluted Rex and then the group boarded the ship

 Sixty and Tech boarded first 

The two side-eye each other before they both bolts towards the Pilots chair Tech sat down first as he turned to the front 

"I win" Tech stated as Sixty as Sixty went to the Co-pilot seat in defeat while Hunter patted Echo on the back 

"Now we gotta get you some armor that doesn't look like a reg, Sixty got any of that paint,"  Hunter asked as Sixty chipped up and got out of the Co-pilot seat

"Of course, want me to pain Echo up some armor?" Sixty asked while looking at the armor that Echo had on

as Hunter nodded "Don't worry Sixty has done all our armor, so you're in good hands"
The face tattoo man walked up to the Cockpit to talk to Tech as Sixty thought of Ideas

"I already have an Idea in my mind, I also have a few pieces that I need.." Sixty said as inspected 

"HEY TECH lets stop at the place where I got Wrecker's armor at!" She shouted as Echo chuckled and went to take a seat 

As the ship got off the ground and blasted off into space

Unfinished business Episode Ending, 

Clone Wars ---- The Bad Batch. 


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