Part 20

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Sixty, speed walk back to the barracks and once she got there she stuffed the blade in her battle backpack as she poured some food and then poured some water over this powder as it turned into bread

she sat down on the couch and ate while she watched holo-pod racing before she could finish her meal the bad batch entered the Barracks covered in food

"What happened to you guys?" Sixty asked while examining the group
"Wait, where's Echo?"

Wrecker stretched the back of his head while Crosshair rolled his eyes, 
"He was knocked out, because of the food fight" Crosshair grumbled as he went to clean up as Sixty death glared at the group

"I think he's dead" Crosshair expressed as Sixty side eyed him

"The minute I'm not with you guys, something interesting happens." She grumbled
"I'll go and check up on Echo, you four clean up" 

Sixty pointed at them before walking back out and was walking to the medical bay as the ringing in her ears got extremely uncomfortable 

Sixty tried her best to ignore it while she walked towards the med-bay as she saw the Droid and the girl doing scans on Echo Sixty remembered the bad time's Echo has experienced being scanned 

as Echo started to freak out, Sixty came running up and pushed the machine to the side 
"No! Get them off!" Echo freaked out as Sixty went to his side as the Robot came forward

"But my tests are not yet complete," The robot said

Sixty Scuffed "He will not be NEEDING, anymore tests" 

she pushed the robot away as Omega came in as she tried to calm down the situation as she reassured Echo as the robot came back 

"Hello, CT-1409, and CT-60" The robot greeted the two clones 

"Their names are Echo and Sixty" Omega corrected as the robot continued his introduction 

"I m AZI-345211896246498721347, your assigned medical droid" AZI introduce and he did a little spin as Sixty looked up to see the rest of the batch come back in all cleaned up 

"Ha! Told you he's alive!" Wrecker Cheered "you owe me two Credits"

Sixty leaned against the back wall as she thought "I wish I knew that they were doing a bet, I would have gotten in on the action" 

The droid AZ went to tell the batch Echo condition "CT-1409's condition is stable. But I have some distressing news for the rest of you. according to your test results, you all appear to be genetically defective clones."

Sixty chuckled "Oh my gosh, gee I couldn't tell" the female clone laughed as the pain in her head worsen she walked over to the medical cabinets to search through the medicine as the droid was distracted 

as she grabbed pain medication as she saw the group leaving she grabbed the pills and ran to catch up to them 

the team walked through the white halls of the facility preparing themselves to get reprimanded

as they were stopped by the Shock Troopers "Where do you think you're going? he training facility is that way." 

as the team stopped in their tracks "Training facility?" Hunter questioned as the Shock trooper stepped closer to the team 

"For a battle simulation. Admiral Tarkin has requested to see more of your squad in action." the Shock trooper told

"So we are not being reprimanded?" Tech Questioned

"No, you're being tested. Now go gear up" Shock trooper ordered 

"So, we're not in trouble, and they want us to fight more?" Wrecker questioned as the team was led to the gear area by the shock trooper

Wrecker hit's tech shoulder "Ha! maybe this empire thing's not so bad after all" 


the shock troopers led them to a gear room before leaving them to return to their duties as Sixty chuckled

"Tarkin probably likes yall, because you guys beat up the clones" Sixty tried to contain her laughter as she ran over to an elevator leading to the battleground

as They were lifted up to the large battle simulation as Tarkin went on the intercom

"The value of all clone troopers is being challenged by the empire. To demonstrate your effectiveness, a combat proficiency test is in order.  Take your positions." 

"We've done these a thousand times boys, You know what to do," Hunter said then he put on his helmet 

"A battle simulation? Give us a real challenge." Wrecker said as he punched the air 

as the team spread out throughout the field as shots were fired from every direction as the team shot back

"Sixty, Crosshair take the towers" Hunter ordered as Sixty ran to the towers

 and spider climbed up once she was on the tower she avoided the turret as she disarmed the turret on the other towers then her own and then focused on the ones down below 

As the team started to push forward when Wrecker stepped forward and started doing his thing before none were left standing 

Sixty  sighed of relief as soon more Droids came out Wrecker was playing around too much then they switched to live rounds Tech scrambled to go and get Wrecker Sixty shot the droids before they fired back harder and she ran to get cover

before more droids came back as she realized that the training blaster wouldn't do anything to help them in their situation,

as Hunter whistled towards sixty and gave hand signals as she nodded, she grabbed her fathers blae as she jumped down as she cut the head off of one of the droids, and quickly jumped back up to the tower to regain her high ground leverage 

as the rest of the team did their own thing Tech was on the shoulder of one of the droids controlling it 

as she gave them more cover fired over Tech for the droids wouldn't get to Tech Sixty jumped off of the tower and back to the group while they helped Tech up


the team walked into the barracks as Wrecker walked over to the table while taking off his helmet 
"Live rounds? they used live rounds! On Us!" Wrecker punched the table as Techo walked beside him 
"We were there, Wrecker. We know." Tech said as Echo leaned up on the table and stood beside Wrecker

"I tried to warn you about Tarkin" Echo said 

"Who's that imperial snake think he is?" Wrecker said as he pounded on the table

Sixty sat on the couch as she leaned back "That man is a different breed, I know that we were being tested but still." Sixty expressed as she fell more into her seat 

"Stow it, already. You both got shot. It happens all the time" Crosshair said as Tech chipped up with his big brain 

"There's a fundamental difference between taking fire in battle and being used for target practice." Tech said

"Exactly! We're not dummy droids" Wrecker expressed as Sixty sighed in her seat as the ringing in her head had only gotten worse

She dug through her pockets for the pills that she had taken from the lab and took them as she laid back 

as Tarkin emerge out of no where with two shock troppers

"That much we agree on," Tarkin stated as Sixty quickly got up and stood next to Crosshair in respect towards the Snake Tarkin. He entered the Barracks as he spook

"That was quite an impressive display." Tarkin said as Hunter spoke up

"Didn't have much choice." Hunter said as Tarkiin continued

"Our new empire may have methods which seem a bit unorthodox, but so does this squaderon. Both certainly have their merits. Nale Se speaks quite highly of her six enhanced clones. She claims you're more capable than an army" "

"You have a mission for us, sir?" Hunter questioned 

Tarkin turned around and started to walk back where he came from 
"Indeed. we have tracked a group of insurgents to the Onderon sector. They must be dealt with"

Echo asked "What sort of Insurgents?"

"Separatist forces intent on keeping the galaxy war. If you neutralize this grave threat, you will be looked upon most favorably as I assess the needs of the imperial army." 
Tarkin said before exiting the baracks as the Clone Troppers followed suit, 

Written:  2/3/2023
Author Notes:

SO I originally thought that writing some of the episodes of the bad batch would be easy but the first one is SO LONG and so many fancy words 

anyways back to writing more

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