Boys Are Pretty Too

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Ship: Anthony x Chase

Genre: Smut

Requested by billies-whore

3rd Person POV

Chase was a femboy, and he was proud of it too.

He happily wore skirts, minidresses, makeup, and pink, lots of pink, to school every day, easily ignoring the judgmental stares he received.

While he got hate from the boys at his school, mainly the jocks, the girls were actually nice and always complimented him on his outfits or asked him to hang out.

Although he would like to think it was just out of the kindness of their hearts, he knew they were a bunch of fakes trying to climb their way up the popularity chain since, somehow, he was quite popular.

But when he was worn out by the annoying girls and boys at his high school, he knew he always could rely on his real friends, the girls on his cheerleading squad. They loved Chase for who he really was and supported him fully.

Anthony was a basketball player, and he was sick of it too.

The boys on his team were loud, stupid, and over flowing with toxic masculinity. 

All he ever wanted was to fit in and make his dad, a former all star player at their school, proud. But one thing held him back, he was gay.

He had known it ever since he found out that you could be something besides straight, a fact his parents tried, and failed, at hiding from him.

He never wanted anyone to know about his sexuality, but keeping it hidden became more and more difficult when at each game, he saw him.

Every time his eyes caught sight of Chase cheering in his short skirt for them during their basketball games, he felt his gay heart practically leap out of his chest.

Anthony wanted him so bad, but he knew he could never have Chase.

What Anthony didn't know was that Chase wanted him just as badly.

Chase's POV

I was in the locker rooms preparing for the game. After getting dressed, I went over and stood in line to wait for Charli to do my makeup.

I had learned how to do basic makeup looks at home with tutorials, but the glittery and complex looks we had to wear while cheering were still too complicated for me.

As I stood in line, Addison excitedly talked about her crush on the basketball team, but I wasn't really paying attention.

I already knew who her crush was, the whole school did. Bryce and Addison had got together and broken up so many times, you couldn't even blink without their relationship status changing.

So, while Addison went on and on about Bryce, I zoned out and started thinking about my own crush, Anthony. I could see him practicing from here through a small, one way, window.

Whenever we cheered at his games, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. The focused expression he wore while playing can only be described in one word. Hot. 

We always made accidental eye contact and I felt my knees go weak just at the thought of him looking at me all sweaty while panting. It made me think of doing...other things with him.

Each time we passed each other in the hallway, or I got the chance to talk to him after a game, all I wanted to do was confess my feelings, but I was always to nervous to get turned down.

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