Chapter 2 - Just Starting

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Lia's POV

It's been a few days that I found that special looking lunch box in front of apartment 304.
I spend days being curious of what food and where that food sell . Yesterday I even try to look the shop name from that box and couldn't find it. I look so unbelievable of myself that I even searched for the restaurant name in front of other apartment and other people food :(
And I don't even know why that apartment keep ordering same food for a few days.
"Okay I have decided" I shouted at myself and stand up from the sofa .
I decided to knock up the 304 apartment and ask them what food did they order so I could order the same . I am just a food maniac and I am not even shy to do that because sometimes I agree I am just crazy .
I ring the 304 apartment bell.
As I was going to ring another time, the door slowly open. And I just saw Dok2 standing right in front of me. I tried not to seem like a fan girl and just bow down and said " hello" kindly and asked " ah I just wanna ask what food did you order ?" , my hand pointing at the watch food right in front of the apartment.
To seem not crazy , I added " I was just so curious for a few days and wanted to order but I didn't know the restaurant, that's why" I explained.
" you can order from xxx restaurant"he said.
( some random restaurant name )
He said the restaurant name but I needed something more than the name so I asked him to write the name of the restaurant in Korean so I could copy, paste and find it. Because I can't read or write Korean well. I can only speak.
" Could u please find the name of the restaurant?" I told him, giving my phone to him. As soon as I did that, he seem somewhat not doing what to do . It was kinda awkward.
"I guess I shouldn't do that" I thinks in my mind.
But luckily he was kind enough to write the restaurant name and give back my phone .
" thank you" I said, somehow bowing him a bit. And I just went to my apartment but I could feel he is still staring at me from behind. I just couldn't turn back and look so I just open my apartment door quickly and went inside .
"Whooo" I felt relieved .
To be honest , Dok2 is not my favorite rapper but for me, just meeting a celebrity is just so unbelievable.

Dok2's POV

I was working on new song in my studio. By studio I mean the studio inside my apartment.
I was feeling the beats and writing the lyrics for my new song. But I felt tired so I was going to get a beer from the fridge and I suddenly heard the door bell.
I thought like what the heck . No one will come visit me unless I invite them. I wondered who is ringing the bell. I was going to just leave it without opening the door because sometimes people would just prank. As I was going to leave it like that , my unconscious mind is telling me to open the door so I just do it .
Then I saw a woman, who seem to be younger than me and she is wearing a orange hoodie with the pajama pant.
" hello" she greeted me kindly .
I was surprised and thinking what I should do and she asked me about the restaurant of the food that I was ordering for a few days. She was awkwardly pointing at the eaten food that I thrown in front of my apartment. As I watch her talk, I unknowingly was smiling a bit .
Then I told her the restaurant name. She seem to not know the restaurant and asked me to type the restaurant name on her phone while giving her phone to me .
At that time I thought "oh this girl is something" we have never meet or even know but she had that confidence. Although I felt a little confused, I typed the restaurant name on her phone . But as I was going to give her phone back, I took a glance as her notifications.  I wasn't trying to stalk but it's just her notifications came in while I was typing.
That notifications was from her Instagram, telling Jay Park is on live. I was like oh is she a fan of my friend , Jay park . That's what I thought for the first time .
She took her phone back and said thanks to me and walked back to her apartment. It wasn't far . She just live right opposite of my apartment. I was staring at her and I didn't even realize that I was starting at her . It's just my unconscious mind I guess. Then I thought " oh why am I even staring at her" and went back in.

I went back inside my apartment and took the beer that I was going to take a while ago but then I thought it was a mood for wine so I took the wine and went out in the balcony with a glass of wine , thinking about my life.

(Time skips / a few days passed )

Lia 's POV

I was working on my desk, writing script because I am a freelance writer, trying to get my script turn into drama . As for other thing , I got class to go since after I graduate, I thought I wasn't ready to get into job so I decided to learn more in Korea. But I only need to go three day a week so I got so many free time .

While I was writing , I just got a thought " Am I going to meet Dok2 again today"
Ever since the day I asked Dok2 the name of the restaurant, we had been seeing everyday.
Oh wait ! Not that seeing that you guys thinks.
We just see each other in front of apartment when we took delivery food . I think he likes to order food too but I notice he only order the same food that he did a week ago . I wondered if he didn't even have appetite to eat because to me , I have so much appetite that I could even eat well when I am sick.
There are only times our eyes met when we took the delivery. " or is it just my thoughts?"
Since I am writer I like to imagine things a lot so these romance thoughts are not unusual to me . I just imagine myself with anyone I

"Oh shit!! I will be late to class" I said it loud .
I run over and changes my clothes and get ready to go class. I wore a branded black hoodie and black jeans and white sneakers, along with a black cap and a black bag . I just love black so muchhhh but you won't know sometimes I wore colour s that people don't usually wear that make people think I am crazy sometimes.Since I forget that today I have class , I even ordered food . Now I think "what should I do when the delivery came ?"
"Oh got an idea"
I got ready to go and went out of my apartment.
"I can do this right ?" I asked myself and ring the bell of Dok2's apartment. I was waiting for him to open the door but then I thought " oh shit what if he is not inside"
He really isn't opening the door so I ring the bell one more time . Just as I thought to give up and just go to class , he opened the door .
"Hi" he said .
I felt relieved at that time because I don't want to be the person who order food and didn't pay it, since I ordered cash on delivery food .
" hello . Can I ask you for a help?" I asked him, being very sorry because we don't even know each other and I am asking him for help.
"I make a mistake and order a food and I need to go to class now" I said.
" so I was wondering if you could help me by taking the food when it arrive because I can't miss the class" I asked him very carefully because I don't want him to get annoy over it.
" because I still need to pay them if not I can just tell them to leave it here" I continued as he didn't reply me anything.
"But if you are not free then it's ok too I will just tell the security guard downstairs for help" I continued as I bit my lower lips since I was getting reallyyy nervous.
"It's ok it's ok then I will figure out myself then" I said it lastly because he wasn't even replying when I said a lot to him. It was really awkward.
"Then I will go now . Sorry for the trouble" I asked and was about to leave
but then he said " okay no problem I can help"
I turned to him and look at him again and felt happy that he would help me . "Thank you so much then I am really thank you" I said.
" but I haven't pay the delivery yet" I told him.
"It's okay I will pay for it first" he said .
" oh okayy then I will transfer you back later" I told him .
" then I m really thank you and I got to go now I will be late" I said and just run away. As I was running to the elevator, I turn back to seem him looking at me so I shouted him " sorry and thank you" and run .

Dok2 smiles*

I hope you guys are enjoying this . I will try to update more . Thank you :)

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