Chapter 12 (FINAL)

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Lia's pov 

Here I am sitting in a restaurant with Joon and his friends. 

"How did I came this far" I thought. 


/Sent screenshots to my best friend/

I talked on a phone with her for hours, getting help from replying messages from Joon. I accepted Joon invitation to go for dinner. I mean could be a date. I was always a overthinking person and I considered love very seriously, I didn't know if I should go for dinner with his friends but my best friend said sometimes I don't need to think too much. I think she is right, why would I not go if I also like him. There is no reason to not go isn't it?


"Are you bored now?" Joon whispered closely into my ears.

"No I am not. It's fun" I told him making sure to let him know I am comfortable enough. 

"Cold?" Joon looked at my rubbing hands.

"a little but it's okay"

Joon then took my hand and started rubbing them between his hands. My heart started beating faster and faster and I am sure my face is getting red as well.

"What are you guys doing?" Jay interrupted, looking both of us. I tried to move my hands back away from his hands but then he quickly hold them tightly. This is bad, unhealthy for my heart, I am really falling in love with him.

His eyes were very loving looking straight into mine. I could feel his emotions and his soul, telling me his feelings.

"Don't care about us. Just have your food" Joon didn't care and continue rubbing my hands to get heated so I would be less cold. His friends were laughing looking at us but I could tell it was a good laugh.

After our dinner, Joon paid for the dinner and parted with his friends. His hands were still locking with mine. I don't know if he noticed this or doing it unintentionally. 

"Let's go for ice cream Okay?" he asked looking at me and I nodded.

Our hands are still locking together but as soon as he left my hand to get the ice cream cone, I automatically felt sad. Ice cream was a happy thing but I know we can't eat the ice cream if we keep holding hand.

"Are you not getting one?" I asked Joon as he paid for my ice cream and trie walking away.

"No I am not getting one" he smiled and took my hand back to look with his hands.

We walked around the park, still holding hands, me eating my ice cream but none of us were talking a thing. It was very quiet but somehow also ease my mind.

"So.." he started talking so I turned around to face him.

"What do you think of me?" he continued.

I looked front again as we walked.

"You are good" I said after a long silent. To be honest, I did not know how to answer that question. I was always a dumb person with such topic. I wouldn't even know if someone liked me or hone when I was young. I was very amateur in answering that topic.

He started laughing out loud. I break the hand lock and looked at him annoyed.

"Sorry Sorry. I am good as in what?"

"You are good as in ..." I was lost for words. I didn't know what to answer him.

"You are good with me" I replied.

"So do you like it?" he asked.

He again took my hands as we started walking again.

"Like" I told him not facing him to let him see my dumb blushed smiling face.

"Then...Do you want to date?" he stoped walking.

My heart started to beat even more faster than ever. I was still looking to the front, an don't facing him. Without replying him, I continued walking, still locking hands with him.

We reached home and no one talked.We separately went to our own room with silence. All I could hear was my own heart beat and the door closing sound. 

I stand behind the door, thinking about dating him. Would he think I reject him if I didn't say anything? I smiled as I took my phone and texted Joon.

"Want" I texted. Very quickly, I heard the door knocking urgently, I knew it was Joon. I opened the door, smiled at him shyly. He quickly hugged me, pulled me into his embrace and  whispered " I like you " He hugged me even more tighter after that. 

"Joon" I called him but this time it felt different.

"I like you too" We looked at each other eyes falling deep and I felt his soul telling me his emotions and feelings. 

The door was still open but we didn't care, It was our soul that make us even more braver, We kissed making it our first day. We both felt happy, very happy.


Let me just end this story here. I started this story quite. a long time already and it was hard for me to get back but I thought at least I need to give the closure for this story. 

I might make season 2 for this story but not right now, and only if you guys wanted it. Please let me know if you want season 2 for this. I didn't know it was gonna be this short to be honest, it was supposed to be longer than this but it just my inspiration went down quite well and it just ended up like this. 

Thank you all for liking this story. Thanks all for the votes and comments. I read them all and I am very grateful for all of it. Thank you all, see you in the new story. :)

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