Chapter 1

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Tension filled the air as the teacher walked in. It was the end of term 1 and results for the end of term chemistry tests were about to be revealed. 

"Good morning everyone! As you all know, today you get back your results." A groan was heard from the class. 

"I will hand out your results individually. On the top right is your grade and beside it would be your ranking in this class." Mr Haruka, our chemistry teacher explained. 

Someone raises their hand. "Uhh, since when was there a class ranking?" Morisuke Yaku, a third year asks.

Mr Haruka smiles. "Since now. We're trying a new system." He hands out papers with their exam results to the people sitting at the front row.

"Knowing you, you probably ranked first." Yaku turns around in his chair and whispers.

"Probably, but who knows. It's only the first term and I don't actually know a lot about the other people's abilities." Tetsuro Kuroo replies with a smug look on his face.

Yaku frowns. "Cocky much. And you've had like, ten weeks to get to know everyone, how can you be so ignorant?" 

"Yaku and Kuroo. Here are your results." The teacher places both their papers face down on the individuals desks.

Yaku's eyes widen. "No way! 63.22%! I have the twelfth highest grade in the class!" His expression darkens when he sees the look on his friends place. 

"Kuroo? How did you do?" Kuroo doesn't reply and stares blankly at him.

Yaku peeks at his paper. "Woah! 94.89%! Dude, that's like, my dream score. What're you even frowning for?" Kuroo points to something else on his paper. The number two written beside his grade. 

"N-no way..! Someone got even higher?!" Yaku shouts. 

"Lower your voice please Yaku." Mr Haruka says. 

"Sorry sir."

Snickers were heard around the class. Meanwhile, Mr Haruka hands you your paper. 

You flip the paper over and brace yourself for the score. Your eyes widen at the mark. 95.89%!! No way!! I'm first too!!  

Your friend, Mai Suzuki, looks over your shoulder and sees your score. 

"Woah y/n! That's such a good score! Top of the class!"

As if something triggered in him, Kuroo snapped his head in the direction of Mai, who had said 'top of the class'.

"Hehe. I guess all that cramming did pay off." You reply with a grin.

A shadow suddenly loomed over your paper. Your grin faltered and looked up to see Kuroo scowling at you. 

"What's your deal?" You ask.

He slammed his hands down on your desk seeming like he wanted to say something but no words came.

You only raise your eyebrows at the sight. "Woah! Hey Kuroo get back here!" Yaku calls. Kuroo looks up and makes eye contact with you. "I'll be first in the next term." 

You laugh. "I love a challenge. If you can be even be considered that."

Yaku and Mai stifled a laugh. Kuroo shot him a glare and scrunched up his test paper in his hand. He cast his gaze downwards and bit his inner lip. From then on, Kuroo knew that you weren't like the other girls. Every single one that he talked to, or talked to him would either compliment him on his volleyball, his grades and especially his looks. He was one to take people's breath away from the first glance, looks and studies. Never would he expect to lose to a girl who hadn't fallen for his charms and let alone insult him for one of the things he took most pride in. 

"Next term," You leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms, waiting for him to finish.

"I will be number one." He made eye contact with you and you raised your eyebrows.

"Best of luck." You replied dryly.

Your reply only infuriated him more and he was about to say something to retaliate but Yaku got to him first.

"A-ah, soooooo about that... I'll just take Mr top-of-the-class here and leave you to it. Chao!"

Yaku practically tugged Kuroo back to their seats. You then turned to tall to Mai. "Who's that guy? What's his deal?"

Mai turned to look at Kuroo before responding. "Shouldn't you already know this? His name is Kuroo Tetsuroo. Top of the class in chemistry every term since his first year. He's basically the chem-king."

You slowly nodded. "So that makes me the chem-queen, huh?"

She chuckled. "That's not all, his friend is really cute."

Your eyes widened. "Who? Since when? Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" You whisper shouted.

"His name is Kenma and he's a second year but man, he has the prettiest eyes." Mai mumbled some other irrelevant things about her crush and you zoned out after her first two sentences.

"But on another note, how did you get so good at chemistry?! I swear it's my worst subject. I got 53.2%." She says, breaking you out of your trance.

Your shrugged. "I'm pretty sure calculus is your worst. Practice is key. And you still got a passing grade."

"Oh no, don't even mention calculus.  If only I had a brain like yours."

You snickered. "Practice Mai, practice."

As if you felt his burning gaze, you turned your head to the side and saw Kuroo glaring holes into the side of your head. You couldn't help but feel a bit amused at how competitive Kuroo was being. You stuck your tongue out at him just to egg him on a bit. He clenched his teeth and turns away.

You and Mai converse about something until Mr Haruka starts the lesson. Even though Mr Haruka wasn't particularly close with his students, he had witnessed your encounter with Kuroo and he knew how close both your scores were. He knew well that you and Kuroo were both very bright students and have the best overall averages combined over the years at Nekoma. He ruffled the papers in his hand and decided that he would being it up in his next board meeting. 

Kuroo hadn't really taken much notice into the other students in his class so he could focus solely on the subject at hand. Until now. He now knew you were one of the only people he truly felt challenged against. He didn't plan on losing.

A grin plastered your face at your grade and an unexpected challenge. Similar to Kuroo, you didn't know much about your class other than Mai because your focus was on the subject and the teacher. You planned on getting number one next term too.

Term two is going to be interesting.

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