Chapter 6

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It was almost 10am and you were on the train headed for the library once again. You sat down in the moving vehicle and opened your phone. Your eyes scanned over the message that was currently displayed on screen. 

The best chemist:

I'll be at the library around 10am, see u there 

You checked the time and shrugged. I'll be a little late, he can wait.


You hopped off the train at your designated stop and headed towards the library. You pulled your backpack higher up your shoulder. It was carrying all the study material for today. 

"About time! Here I thought you weren't going to show up."

You didn't even need to look up to tell that you were at the library and who was here. 

"You really thought I was just going to ditch you to work on the project alone? You think too lowly of me." You huffed.

"And we have a problem."

You faced him with raised eyebrows. "What problem?"

He used his thumb to gesture to the library. "Library's closed on Sundays."


He laughed. "You got any place in mind?"

"We could do my place but..." You hesitated. "Dazai and my mom will probably be home."

"Let's go to my place then. I think it's closer too."

"It is definitely not closer but sounds good to me."

Kuroo led the way while you walked beside him. "I just came from here five minutes ago." 

"This time you have me."

"Even worse."

You both got onto the mostly empty train which was expected for a sunday morning. You took a seat beside Kuroo. It was a smooth and quiet journey which you were grateful for because you were not a morning person. You closed your eyes and tried to take a power nap which was probably impossible because you lived ten minutes by train from the library. 

Kuroo turned to ask you a question but stopped himself when he saw your peaceful expression. Not a morning person huh? 

Kuroo got up early in the morning regularly to practice volleyball. He was used to the lack of sleep he got. Nothing a good cup of coffee couldn't fix. 

"L/n-chan, I don't want to have to walk extra from the next so you'd better get up now." No response.

Jeez, she actually managed to fall asleep?! He lightly shook your shoulder and you stirred awake. "Good mo- where...- oh, right, yeah lets go."

He grinned at your sleepy state. You quickly got off and Kuroo was right behind you. You exited the station and followed Kuroo to his residence.

"Not far from here."

You nodded and eventually came to a stop at a small but homely house one or two streets away from your place. He even had a court and net right beside his house. "Neat." Was all you could think to say.

He unlocked the door and stepped inside only to be approached by someone else. A short woman "Where did you go this morning Tetsuro? You should've to- Oh! Who's this?"

Kuroo gestured to you. "Y/n l/n, a third year in my chemistry class. She's working with me on this project just for today."

You smiled. "Nice to meet you."

She beamed back. "I'm Tetsuro's mom! Come inside, I'm doing a bit of cooking at the moment!"

You bowed in respect and slipped off your shoes and followed behind Kuroo. 

"We'll be studying for a few hours in my room!" Kuroo called from halfway up the stairs.

Without waiting for a response, he opened the first door on the right and gestured for you to step inside. You weren't sure what you were expecting but his room did surprise you a bit.On one side of the wall was a single bed and opposite it a desk.  The walls were covered in volleyball posters and magazines. His sports uniform had a number '1' on it hanging behind the door.  There were a couple of volleyballs and magazines lying around but other than that, it was much tidier than you expected. 

"Didn't know you played volleyball." Was all you could say. 

He plopped his stuff down on his desk. "Really? Surely not. You must've heard about us somewhere sometime."

You tried to recall anything about volleyball. Other than playing it at the beach with Dazai you had no other recollection. You never really paid much attention to a sport you didn't play. "Nope."

He looked at you, a bit surprised. "Honestly, do you live under a rock? We've been to nationals, been in some volleyball magazines and school announcements."

You picked up a random magazine on the ground. "Sorry I don't read,  'Oikawa Tooru's favourite food is milk bread.'"

"Hey! Don't read that!"

"'his personal motto is, if you're gonna hit it, hit it till it breaks!'" You burst out laughing. 

He snatches the magazine from you. "Are we gonna get this project done or sit here reading volleyball magazines?!"

You control the rest of your laughter and force yourself to focus on the work at hand. "Aye aye captain."


You spread out all the material you had brought. There wasn't much to do left of the project since most was done yesterday. You both worked together and with the occasional bickering but things were getting along smoothly. You were enjoying yourself with Kuroo's company and so was he. Within an hour, the project was very close to completed. "Just need to proofread this now."

You spun around in your chair and picked up the discarded magazine. "Yay! Let's see how Oikawa's doing."

Kuroo scribbled something on paper without looking up. "Oikawa sounds like an idiot."

"And yet he's more popular than you."

"No way. What makes you think that?"

"'Most popular male captain of the year, Oikawa Tooru.' Says here he's got a fan club and a really good captain."

"As if. Half those magazines are way outdated anyways. If he was in Tokyo I'd kick his ass." 

Your eyes skimmed around the magazine. "Oh, he's from the Miyagi prefecture dang it." 

"You play too. Are you any good?" You ask, looking up from the magazine.

"Better than Oikawa Tooru, I can tell you that." He smirked. 

"Don't flatter yourself too much." You stood up and picked up one of the many volleyballs lying around. "What position do you play?"

"Middle blocker."

"Who's the captain?"


You widen your eyes. "You? No way."

"It's true." He replied proudly.

"Here I thought you were just some chemistry nerd."

He grabbed another ball lying around and spun it in his hands. "There's a court right next door to my house, we can take a break from this and play a bit of volleyball."

"I don't know how to play."

"Oh it's fine, I can teach you."

You were skeptic. "I dunno about that. For all I know, you're part of Oikawa Tooru's fanclub that collects magazines and stalks him online."

He laughed. "Wanna bet?" You didn't move. "Oh come on, let's go!" He grabbed your arm and dragged you against your will down stairs.

editediteditediteditediteditediteditthisisreallybadeditit EDIT THISSSSSSSS

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