Chapter 7

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Kuroo spun the yellow and blue volleyball in his hands. He eyed the other side of the court and fully concentrated on the ball. He threw it up in the air and connected his palm to the surface of the ball. The ball flew over the net and hit the other side of the court with a loud thud. 

You tried not to look as surprised as you really were. "Damn."

You retrieved the ball and tossed it to him. "What else can you do?"

He smirked. This was his time to show off what he could do. He wanted to wow you with his skill and prove that he wasn't just a chemistry nerd, but the captain of the volleyball team. "Do you know how to set?"


"Basically just throw the ball high up into the air."

He passed the ball to you. "When I say throw it, throw it up into the air but not too high."

You were interested to see where this was going. "Okay."

He took a few steps back and yelled "Now!" And you threw the ball up. He approached the ball and jumped into the air, using his palm and slammed the ball down right at the corner of the court. It was fast.

Your mouth was slightly agape. You were impressed to say the least but definitely wouldn't tell him that. Your eyes were glued to where the ball had made contact with on the other side of the court. He noticed your expression, a grin tugging at his lips. 

"Teach me!" The words came out of your lips before you even realised.

He was a little surprised. If anything Kuroo thought that you'd be stubborn enough to tell him he wasn't good and that his spikes were average. Teach her? 

"I mean... I don't see why not." 

"Yes! I mean-cool, cool. How do we start?"

"First, you have to call me sensei." He said with the smuggest look on his face.

"On second thought, let's finish the project-" 

"I was kidding! I'll teach you the basics."

Kuroo showed you the correct stance and how to position your arms. He explained how and where you would want to hit the ball and how to bump it to the setter. 

"Like this?" You asked, mimicking his stance. 

"Pretty much except maybe..." He around you and adjusted the way you held out your arms. You were surprised at how close he had gotten but your inner learning personality had overtaken and put listening to the important things he was saying over your current close proximity. 

Kuroo on the other hand was a master at volleyball and flustering girls. He'd try to teach a couple of the volleyball in the past and every time they'd do something wrong he'd go and adjust their stance or straighten their arms. He noticed that every time he did this they never really paid any attention to anything he was saying and eventually realised they didn't share the same passion for the sport and avoided teaching them about volleyball. 

But with you it was different. You seemed to be paying your utmost attention to everything he was saying and even when you could feel his body right behind yours. He expected you to push him away or start to redden like the other girls but it seemed like you hadn't noticed it at all. You treated this like a class and he was liking it. He was a sucker for attention, after all. And he wanted yours especially. 

He poked his head above your shoulder, his breath on your cheek. "Are you ready?" He asked quietly. 

"Bring it!" 

He took a few steps back. "I'll serve, you receive. Simple right?"

You nodded. "Right."

He walked behind the net and you watched as he served. He put less power into the serve so that the impact would be less painful. You eyed the ball as it sailed across the net and shifted your arms accordingly, setting the ball right to where the setter would be. "Yes!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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