Chapter 2

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"Term two results are here!" Mr Haruka announces.

Kuroo looked over at you and you made eye contact, a mocking smirk plastered onto his face. You mimicked his expression and faced forward, listening intently to what Mr Haruka was going to say.

"As you all know, your percentage for this terms test will be on the top right along with your class ranking. Best of luck to you all."

He begun to hand out the paper results to the people sitting in the front. You clenched your hands and bounced your knee in anticipation.

Yaku spun around in his chair and whispered to Kuroo. "Do you think you got number one this term?"

He shrugs. "We'll see."

Mr Haruka hands Yaku his score. "How did you do bro?" Yaku looks up from his paper. "Worse. 60.22%." He sighs.

Mr Haruka hands Kuroo his paper. "Aren't you gonna look at it?"

Kuroo glances over to your direction. "I'll see when she gets her score."

Mr Haruka finishes handing out the paper on their side of the class and hands Mai hers. "Sooo..?"

She sighs. "43.87%! Y/n, my parents are gonna kill me!"

You didn't have time to respond as Mr Haruka hands you your paper.

You took in a deep breath and flipped the test over. You searched the paper until your eyes landed on the top right of your paper.

You felt your heart drop to your stomach. You visibly clenched the paper harder. "Y/n? Are you alright?" You didn't respond and instead handed the paper over to Mai. One look and she understood.

"93.71% is a pretty good score! Compared to me at least." You could hear Yaku and Kuroo shouting on the other side of the room. You couldn't bring yourself to look at them.

"You did it Kuroo! 94.77%! I'm so proud of you." Yaku exaggerates by wiping an invisible tear from his eye.

Kuroo smirked and glanced over in your direction. He couldn't help but feel a tad guilty because he had gone through the exact same thing last term.

93%. 2nd. Those two numbers swirled around in your head. Mai tapping your shoulder brought you out of your trance. She sighs. "The chem-king strikes again." Mai notices your expression and tries to lift up the mood. "But hey, look on the bright side! At least you're not me!"

You cracked a smile. "That's true. I don't know how I'd cope having a crush on a guy that doesn't even know I exist."

She puts a hand on her chest, feigning offended. "Hey! Don't bring Kenma into this! And he does know I exist, we've just never spoken."

"Yeah yeah same thing." Your smile faded when you glanced back down af your paper. Your eyes flickered over to Kuroo who sent you the most shit-eating grin. You just wanted to punch him in the face at that point. Why does he have to be so smug about it? Probably him getting back at you for last year. The technical side of your brain replies.

You scowled and turned away. You couldn't look st him much longer or you might've screamed.

Luckily for you Mr Haruka decided to start his lecture and bring your attention to the front of the class.

Throughout the lesson you furiously scribbled down notes and from time to time glanced in Kuroos direction. One time he caught your eye and just smirked. It took all your might to not just get up and smack him right then and there.

Even throughout the lesson Mr Haruka notices the glances and smirks that were being shared amongst you two. He felt a bit amused at how competitive you both were. It's just a grade. All of the other students he had would say. Mr Haruka turns to see you scribbling down notes from the board furiously into your book while Kuroo kept glancing over to you to see what you were doing. He turns around and smiles to himself. He hasn't had such hardworking students in a long time. 

"Uhh y/n, maybe you should write a little softer? You're putting holes in the paper." Mai points out. 

You stop writing, only to notice that your book was a mess, different to your usual tidy and organised notes. "Argh! What time does this period end?" 

"Like five minutes, why? You usually stay overtime."

You turn your head to the side before answering her question. "I just... wanna get to lunch early today."

She raises her eyebrows. "I can tell when you lie, y'know."

"And what is the answer to this question Suzuki?" Mr Haruka calls knowing full well she wasn't paying attention.

Mai quickly spun around and stood up. "Uh, you see sir, I've er- well, the thing is-"

Mr Haruka pushes up his glasses. "Pay attention Suzuki. Don't let it happen again." 

"Yes sir."

You send Mai an apologetic look and she sends you a discrete thumbs-up.

"Kuroo, why don't you answer this?"

Your ears perk up at the sound of his name. Please get it wrong please get it wrong. 

Much to your dismay, he had given the correct answer. Mr Haruka was pleased. "Good job. This is what to expect of our top student." 

You clenched your pen harder. He got one question right and he gets praised? What the hell. Kuroo sat back down and made eye contact for what seemed like the hundredth time today. At that moment the bell went off signalling lunch. Finally.

You quickly packed your belongings and left the door. You couldn't take anymore of his shit-faced grin. 

Kuroo watched as you left the room. He shoved his books into his bag and slung it over his shoulder. "Hey Yaku," 

Yaku looks up from his bag. "Yeah?"

"If you were second in your best subject, how would you react?" 

He laughed. "If I was second in any subject I would probably throw a party."

Kuroo nodded. "By the way, do we have practice today?"

"Nope, got cancelled because most people couldn't be bothered with it on the last day of term."

"This year's team is full of lazy people." Kuroo states. "Other than Yamamoto that is."

Yaku chuckles and they both exit the classroom. Yaku and Kuroo coversed about something but Kuroo's mind wasn't focused on their conversation. Even though it was a few months away, all that was on his mind at the moment was next terms test and how he could prove to everyone clearly that he was the best at chemistry.

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