Chapter 4

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You walked towards your house, feeling a bit defeated. How does Mr Haruka even expect us to do this?  You scroll through your phone mindlessly while walking down your street until a notification popped up. As soon as you saw the name of the sender, your immediate instinct is to delete it but it will only postpone the inevitable. Grumbling, you open the email, skimming through the contents. 

Hello L/n-chan!

I'm emailing you because I forgot to get your number and I've got no other way to contact you. Figured you wouldn't have asked me so I will.  Tomorrow morning at the library, see you there 


You groaned. You knew it was impossible to avoid him in a group project but was still annoyed that you had to see him during your weekend when you should've been relaxing. 

How are we even meant to start this? We can hardly stand being in the same classroom, let alone by ourselves in a public place. You groaned for what felt like the hundredth time today and shoved the key into the keyhole a little too violently. 

Closing the door, you hear your mom call from the kitchen. "Hey y/n, how was school?"

You kick your shoes off and lock the door. "Yeah, just the same old."

She frowns. "Is everything alright? You sound a bit... I dunno, off?"

You chuckle. "Off? I'm fine, don't worry about me." You kiss her on the cheek and head upstairs. 

"Oh, by the way I'm going to meet a person at the library tomorrow morning!" You call from above.

"Person? Just who might be this person?"

"Oh- I mean... friend." You cringe at the last word.

"Okay, don't be home too late." 


You plop your school bag onto your bed and quickly spin around on your chair to face your desk, beginning to brainstorm ideas on what tomorrows project would look like. You tried your best to focus on the task at hand but you couldn't get Kuroo's smug face out of your head. Will he really work with me on this idea? Oh, who cares what that asshole thinks. You shake your head and clear your mind. Either way we have to start something.


When you arrived outside the library, you noticed Kuroo standing outside. He was dressed in casual clothes which consisted of jeans and a simple grey hoodie. He sees you approaching and waves. You send him a lopsided smile and a small wave. That's some progress. He thinks. 

He leads you to a table that had two chairs. You sit opposite him. "Let's get this show on the road."


You crumple your paper with all your ideas. It's been less than an hour and you're ready to run a mile away from Kuroo. He's vetoed every single idea you've proposed so far. At this rate, your project is gonna take a lifetime to finish. So much for progress.

"I don't see what's wrong with this."

Kuroo scoffs. "You really didn't think this one through did you? It's good, sure, but we've got two days to finish this, not two weeks."

You grit your teeth. "Instead of turning down every single idea, why don't you come up with some." 

He smiles. "Well,"

He grabs a piece of paper and begins to sketch out a rough brainstorm. He explains how we would finish this today and tomorrow and how it would work. "It's eye catching and meets the brief."

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