Chapter 5

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A solid two and a half hours had gone by and you were happy with the progress made. Tomorrow you would have to meet up again with Kuroo and this time, you were actually looking forward to it. Working with Kuroo wasn't so bad afterall. 

You were both packing your belongings and readying to head your separate ways. Kuroo takes his phone out of his bag and hands it to you. "Here put your number in, might be useful for the future."

"Aw, do you want my number that badly?"

"On second thought, nevermind, emails do-"

"Wait, wait! I'm kidding."

You take it from his grasp and type in your contact details. 

You smile and hand it back. "There! Might as well do yours too while we're at it."

"Aw, do you want my number that badly~?" He mimics. 

"Shut up. I'm not gonna ask again."

He quickly grabs your phone and types in his number and contact details. 

You take back your phone and check what time your train arrives. 

"Which way you headed? I can take you back if you'd like."

"I'm good, ages away from the school so probably not near you. Gotta catch the train too." You reply without looking up from your phone. 

Kuroo raises his eyebrows and peers over your shoulder to see what was on your screen. 

"Ohh? I live in that suburb too! Let's head home together l/n-chan!"

You tear your eyes away from your phone. "Ehhh? Since when? Don't tell me you're my neighbour."

"Nope, but within walking distance!"

You sigh. "Don't tell me you're catching the same train as me."

"Indeed I am. We should probably go now or else we're gonna miss it." Kuroo gestures for you to exit the library and playfully roll your eyes. 


 It was about a ten minute walk to the train station from the library. You both had just exited the library and there were a couple of things you wanted to know from Kuroo. "Did you take chem in your first year? Don't think I ever saw you in the lab." 

He turned to look at you, surprised. "I was in the lab, like, whenever I had free time at school!" 

You raise an eyebrow. 

"During lunches, breaks, sometimes before school and after school. That was basically my freshman year."

"Hey, that sounds way too similar to my freshman year." 

"Ohh? I don't remember seeing you there." He says, briefly closing his eyes to try and recall the memories. 

"Same here. Wonder why." You walk a bit faster to keep up with his pace. He walked way faster than the standard person. Every once in a while you would fall behind and have speed-walk to catch up. 

"Maybe because you got kicked out for blowing up the place before I came in."

You frown but with a bit of underlying amusement. "Shut up. It only happened once."

"Once? And here I thought you were an actual chemist."

You scoffed. "Oh yeah? Is your count any better?"

"You probably don't wanna know."

"Now that we're at this stage, you're gonna have to tell me."

He chuckles at the memory. "Twice actually."

Chemistry Class | Tetsuro Kuroo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now