Rescue (Part 2)

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Professor Mcgonagall has learned to not let shocking things shock her. That being said she wasn't expecting to be woken up that night by another time traveller.

When she finds out why he's here though, she rushes off to gather the other teachers and tells him where the headboy and girl chambers are so he can go get them.

Harry is more than hesitant about seeing his parents and everyone else for that matter, but seeing as he can't afford to dilly-dally around he follows Mcgonagall's instructions.

Their chambers are hidden behind a tapestry but he finds it easy enough and then bangs on their door until they come out.

He explains to them who he is and what he's there for and things are a little award but they each give him a hug and allow him to alter their memories.

Then as he's coming down the hall towards the stairs to head back to Gryffindor tower he runs straight into Draco and the boys.

"I found them and your dad's friends, we were headed towards Dumbledore's office. Where's Mcgonagall?" Draco asks and Harry runs to hug his sons.

He pulls back after at a minute to answer Draco, "She went to grab the other teachers, come on we're all meeting in Dumbledore's office."

When they get there the office is full of teachers and staff members. They make quick work of altering their memories and the remaining teachers who follow.

The archway pops up just as everyone as leaving and Harry's began on Dumbledore. "Go!" Harry yells.

Draco nods he grabs Scorpius' arm and they walk through the archway. It turns from white to gold meaning it had been a successful. He nods for the boys to go through and then waits a second and follows.

I'm back!!!
Only a few more chapters left on this fic.

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