Telling The Marauders {Part 1}

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James S. POV
The days seemed to go on forever but overall the time before school began again was short. Dumbledore had let us know that we didn't need to be seen out of the common room. He'd alerted the teachers of the situation and was going to tell the Gryffindor's that we were McGonagall's relatives and we staying in the castle and that it was of top secrecy.

Sirius POV
The sorting was just finished and I'd began to dig into my food when I saw Dumbledore get up from him seat, "Professor McGonagall and I have a meeting to attend to please continue to eat and when the feast is over prefects will lead the students to their dorms. I ask that all the Gryffindor students stay in the common room instead of going up to bed."

I began to get bored of his speech and focus back on my food until I hear my name being called, "...Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew, please make your way up to my office."

I get up as do Remus, Peter, James, and Evans.

I grab Remus' hand as we're walking, meanwhile Evans is busy berating James because "you're supposed to be headboy now, and Remus you're a prefect, I expected better from you two."

Remus smiles and turns to whisper, "any idea what this is about?" "Not a one but it's hilarious the way Evans is acting." Remus giggles, "you're right and I'm afraid if I point it out Lily'll bite my head off."

"Now we can't have that." I mutter putting an arm around his waist and biting his neck gently. I can here two people clearing there throats.

"Umm guys we're here." James says awkwardly. Peter nods, "Yeah I didn't need that visual."

Evans' laughs, "For once I'll agree with Potter and his minion."

"Heyy!" Peter snaps offended. "Oh you guys know you liked it." Remus says surprising everyone. And before I can get a word in the gargoyle moves aside revealing the all too familiar set of steps.

We walk in silence up the steps, Evans first and James trailing behind her, Remus and I holding hands, and Peter holding up the rear.

I let go of Remus' hand as the doors swing open to reveal Professor McGonagall, "Mr. Black, Mr. Lupin, Mr. Pettigrew if you would accompany me into Professor Dumbledore's office. As for you two, I expect only the best behavior while you wait outside, considering your status as headboy and girl I hope you will strive to set a good example."

I'm so sorry the update took so long. I was hoping the chapter would be longer but I promised an update tonight so I had to publish it. I should have a part 2 up no later than Thursday. I really need to come up with a updating schedule lmao. That being said, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for next time my loves!

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