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Wow two updates in one night? Is the world ending? The answer is no it's not. But y'know what did happen. I had the striking realisation that I've barely touched on the parents reactions to all them time traveling. Actually most of that is because I couldn't find any good way to write their reactions so enjoy this garbage!

~Harry POV~ (2022)
Ginny and I were talking over dinner at this quite muggle restaurant, on what felt like our first date since James was born.

Suddenly I feel my mirror vibrate in my pocket. I run outside to take it, Ginny urging me on saying she'd care of the bill why I was on the phone.

I open it to see Teddy on the other end looking frazzled.

"Teddy what's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"I-I'm not sure. Just hurry back Harry it's urgent." And then he hangs up. (😱)

I turn to run inside and get Ginny but we almost collide at the door.

"It was Teddy," I say holding my arm up hoping she didn't ask for an explanation I didn't have.

Lucky she doesn't ask and we apparate home.

Teddy's waiting at the front door of Grimmauld Place. "I got back from shopping and James, Albus and Scorpius were all gone. I've looked everywhere and the only thing I found, was, well, it was quite alarming." He says.

After about to seconds Ginny flails her arms, "well!?" She practically screams.

"Oh yeah," He says turning to go up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

"It's Albus' room." Teddy says as we reach the third floor landing.

I open the room and there's what looks to be time turner dust everywhere.

Ginny stares in shock at the room as I hurry to usher both her and Teddy away.

"Teddy make sure Ginny's ok. I've got to phone Draco Malfoy and tell him his son is missing." I say trying to prepare myself for that.

I look down at the piece of mirror that Sirius had given me with a sigh, "Draco Malfoy."

I already regret deciding to have a date night.

He answers after maybe fifteen seconds. "And what is it that is so important you had to call me at this time of night, Pottah?" He drawls.

I let out a frustrated breath, "I wouldn't call you at all if this weren't important, Malfoy. Get here as soon as you can."

Then I hang up.

I run a hand through my messy hair thinking. It's probably best to call Hermione, not only is she my friend, but the Minister of Magic. And maybe with how much she reads she'll know what to do.

Okay let me know if y'all want a part 2 of "reactions". Update coming soon.

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