How Did This Happen?

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When they make it back to the present they're bombarded with hugs and questions about everything. Harry explains that they got transported to Hogwarts in 1977 meaning the others could be anytime, anyplace, just as he suspected.

He tells them that the next group that went missing were probably sperated in to two groups, since there's no way the older teens would be in Albus' room unless the younger kids went there first. And that on the unlikely notion that they were all in there, it's improbable that they'd end up in the same time or place.

"So since Teddy is the oldest we'll track him first and then we'll find out who went through with him and who didn't and we'll go from there. So everyone else discuss who wants to go amongst yourselves." He finishes off his speech and he pulls Albus and James outside the room to talk, Scorpius and Draco follow.

"How did this happen?" Harry asks shuting the door.

Albus and Scorpius look at each other and blush before turning back to their dads and then again to each other.

"Well?" Draco asks raising one eyebrow.

"It's kinda my fault," James says looking down with a solemn look on his face. "Dad you know how Cyran has been trying to convince me that curse-breaking is the way to go even though I've been thinking more heavily about professional quidditch?"

"Yes," Harry says narrowing his eyes and motioning for James to continue.

"Well he kinda floated me a souvenir of his from one of his latest missions. He said it outta convince me curse breaking is the way to go. Anyways it was this ancient time turner, with a tendency to pretty much disappear and reappear in a different place. I was working on trying to break the curse, but in the meantime I put a tracker on it, so if it moved it'd alert me and I would know where it went."

"And it moved to my bed-" Albus interrupts.

"Pretty much," James says rubbing the back of his head.

"James Potter I don't care how old you are, you are grounded until you're thirty. You do bring cursed objects into the house your younger siblings sleep in, much less one that can alter time and reality as we know it. What processed you to think that was okay? You know what? Forget it, we'll talk about it at home." Harry announces before barging back into the room where everyone else was.

Draco rolls his eyes as James winces and quietly follows his dad. "Scorpius, I'm going to wait for you in the atrium. Don't take too long saying goodbye, it's been a long day, I'm ready to go home, you can see Albus another time."

"Yes father," Scorpius answers as Draco walks down the hallway towards the lift.

Albus pulls Scorpius in for a hug wrapping his arms around his waist. Scorpius whispers in his ear, "We had quite the adventure didn't we?"

Albus smiles as he pulls back to kiss his boyfriend lightly, "We sure did."

"Call you tomorrow?" Scorpius asks pulling back, only holding onto Albus' hand.

"Of course," Albus smiles and kisses his boyfriend's knuckles, "I'll see about coming over later this week once everything is settled."

"I'll hold you to it Potter," Scorpius says turning to walk away.

"Hey Malfoy," Albus yells when Scorpius has almost made it to the end of the hallway. He turns around in question.

"I love you," Albus yells. Scorpius giggles and yells back, "I love you too Al," before he rounds the corner and is out of sight.

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