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Rose POV
We were all sitting around the table in silence when Remus blurts out, "Why do you just automatically trust them?"

"Because almost twenty years ago, when you and Sirius were in your last year at Hogwarts I came across time travelers from the year 2022. Their names were James, Albus, and Scorpius.

While our memories were modified when they were rescued, I remember that much. This is why I trust them."

"Well," Sirius says speechless. "I guess that's as good a reason as any."

"Yes so I wanted to see if you had any questions for them."

"Most of you are Weasleys right? So who are your parents?" Bill asks curiously.

"Well I'm Rose Weasley, I already pointed out my brother Hugo. Our parents are Ron and Hermione."

Almost everyone from the past gasps. Mrs. Weasley goes to hug Hermione, who was almost as red as Ron's hair. Not to say that Ron was any better.

Fred and George exchange money and Fred winks at Ron. A couple people, especially Harry have a good laugh about the two.

"I'm Roxanne Weasley, daughter of George and Angelina. I have an older brother named Fred but he's not here," Roxy says looking down sadly.

"You knocked up my girlfriend," Fred says hitting George on the back of the head. Uncle George only shrugs.

"I'm not a Weasley by name, but by blood. I'm Lily Luna Potter. Daughter of Ginny and Harry Potter. Oh and Albus and James are my older brothers."

"You knocked up our sister-" "three times?"

"Harry we trusted you."
"We gave you the map."
"Did all sorts of things for you-"
"And this is how you repay us?"

By now Ginny looked ready to die. And if looks could kill Harry would be dead.

Except of course when it came to Mrs. Weasley who was hugging them and muttering about grandbabies.

"We're not technically Weasleys but I'm Alice and that's Grace. Our parents are Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbott."

"And I'm not a Weasley but I'm dating one so," Jazz says shrugging causing me to roll my eyes. "I'm Jaslyn Thomas, you can call me Jazz, and my parents are Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan."

I haven't 100% decided where to send the other kids so any ideas? Requests?

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