Talk it Out

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There's an explosion of chaos as everyone talks about rescuing their kids and why they should go.

"Everyone calm down," Harry says trying to make the peace.

"Shut it!" Ginny yells when Harry's method is ineffective.

"Thanks," Harry says smiling at her before continuing, "Now I'm sure we can talk this out peacefully like the adults we are.

"It's quite simple with the first group, it's James, Albus, and Scorpius. I volunteer myself to go, to test the machine out as well as to save my boys. And I think Draco should have the other spot, if he wants it."

Ginny glares a little, but lets it slide because she will be on the group that goes to wherever Lily is without a question.

Draco rolls his eyes, "Of course I want the other spot Potter, are you daft? Its my son. How soon can we go?"

"Right now."

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