What is It?

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Dominique POV
I follow Lysander and Lorcan down the stairs quickly, wondering what could possibly be wrong now?

As we reach the bottom of the stairs I notice Lucy and Sarah staring at something. I turn around to look, not knowing what to expect. But what I see certainly wasn't anything I could've thought up.

There was this purple thing, it looked almost like a black hole. It looked so hypnotic, it was so beautiful. But I've always had a thing for astrology and all things to do with the night sky.

"I've never seen anything like it." I whisper stepping closer. Before I can get close enough to touch it I'm pulled back.

"Are you crazy?" Lucy questions.

"No," I say jerking out of her grip. "I was-"

I'm interrupted by Louis rushing down the stairs. Behind him Adriana looks solemn and worried.

Before anyone can say anything Molly and Lucas come down looking flustered. It was obvious what they had just been doing. Gross.

"What do you think it is?" Louis asks nobody in particular.

Nobody answers either.

Wow this is short but I have more updates coming, today hopefully. And sorry this update took so long.

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