Chapter 16. The Moment Of Truth

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Author Pov

- Hey Bad. . . Lets make a deal - Skeppy said with a smile.

- A deal? What kind of deal? - Bad asked getting confused.

There was a moment of silence between them. Skeppy slowly walked towards Bad not taking his eyes from Bad's eyes. When Skeppy was close enough he put his arms Bad's shoulders while still keeping eye contact.

- If you don't want my help then give me a kiss! - Suddenly Skeppys face turned from serious to silly. This caused Bad more confusion than ever. Right now Bad's mind was only producing one thought "Did he seriously made things more dramatic just because he wanted a kiss?"

- NO no kiss! - Bad shot at Skeppy

- But I never kissed a girl before! - Skeppy continued his childish play.

- But I'm not a girl!!!-

- You sure? - Skeppy asked while a single tear left his face.

- Yes I'm sure !!!-

- But how else can I help if not a good luck kiss from yours truly - Skeppy tried to argue

Skeppy and Bad started arguing like children right now Bad's cheeks slowly turning red.

- You know what forget you I have to come back to my friends. I'll see you later Skeppy - Bad said and started to walk away. Suddenly Skeppy grabbed Bad's wrist and pulled Bad closer to him and pulled him in a big hug. At first Bad was confused.
- Ok Bad I'll let you get going just... promise you'll be okay and if anything bad happens just come find me Ok? - Skeppy's hold on Bad tightened. Bad just sighted and hugged back Skeppy.
- I promise Skeppy - Bad reassured giving Skeppy a light kiss on the cheek.

And when Bad realised what he did the got away from the hug and started running yelling.
- S.sorry I.I'll see you later !!! - Bad yelled

Skeppy could barely process what happened. He touched his cheek that Bad kissed and smiled. Skeppy for the first time in his life felt nothing but happiness.

Back to Bad running

Bad ran as fast as he could feeling his face heating up. His mind was going like crazy only filling with questions instead of answers.

'' Why did I kiss him?'','' Why am I blushing ?","Why did I ran away?''

He kept running till he bumped into someone.

- I.I.I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention where I was going - Bad turned to apologized to the men he bumped into.

- It's okay. Just be careful next time - said the stranger. While staring at Bad.

Bad was surprised because instead of seeing a face he saw a man with a mask with a painted smile an black small eyes. Even thou Bad couldn't see this persons face he could see his dirty blond hair. He also wore a green hoddie and black pants.

- Take a picture it'll last longer - The person said and started laughing like a tea kettle. Making Bad a bit uncomfortable.

- Sorry again. I'll be going now again sorry I hope you have a good day!- Bad told the stranger and once again started running.

- Yeah see you three again soon =) -

Time Skip ( Don't Hurt Me )

Bad finally made it to the meeting place and to his surprise he only saw George. It didn't take long for George to notice Bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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