-Chapter two-

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TW// self-hate, mentions of self-harm, anxiety, coughing(?)

BadBoyHalo's Point OF View:


"Wha-? What happened? SKEPPY?" I continued coughing and calling out my friend's name but no reply. I was alone again. It felt like the world around me went black. It was scary yet comforting.

I couldn't feel the pain from my cuts. I didn't feel tired. I only felt cold. Then I remembered what Skeppy said. I-I..I am booking tickets to come to you. I can't deal with this...Bad please take care of yourself and get some rest. I will text you when I get more information for when I am coming."

My heart started to beat faster and faster. But it wasn't like before. I could feel my checks going red. I liked this feeling. I want to feel like this more often.

"Love you...Bad"

Did he mean that? Probably not. Why would he? There isn't anything good about me. Take one look at my comment section and suddenly a thousand people will agree with you. I began to feel cold again. "I am too tired for this" I said under my breath as if someone would be able to hear me through the walls.

I got up from the couch and made my way to my bedroom where my cute little doggo was peacefully sleeping. "Aww Rat. How can there be such a cute creature like you one this planet. It is impossible." I say as I kneel and scratch her head.

I take another look in my room. It truly was a mess. "I mean, THE Skeppy is visiting. I might as well clean everything up." I say as I get on my feet and bring a trash bag from the kitchen.

Cleaning everything up, being as quite as possible, I finally finish cleaning the house. It was a small and easy task but it still put a smile on my face. I noticed the clock on my bedside table, "12:21 pm. I still haven't eaten breakfast...Should I even bother. When I stream or do face cam, the chat and comments are filled with "UglyBoyHalo"...A-am I fat?"

A million and one thoughts flood my brain. Maybe that is why they say I am ugly. Maybe I should stop eating completely. Not like I ate much anyways. What could go wrong?

Even though my stomach was basically begging me for food, I just ignored it and sat on the couch, browsing through the television channels not really caring about what was playing. I started zoning out when suddenly I heard a sound coming from my phone.

I turn off the TV now paying full attention to the smaller screen in my hands. It was a text. A text from Skeppy.

Skep <3

-Hello Bad, just letting you know that I have booked a plane and I will be visiting you in the next three days. I know this might be a surprise for you and I deeply apologize but I am worried about you. I just want to let you know that you are loved and I truly care about you. Get on TS when you feel comfortable and want to talk. Take your time. Much love <33

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