-Chapter twenty six-

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"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Boyfriend, a word people sometimes use even for just platonic love. How Skeppy meant it, and while I know how, I would probably freak out way too much if I processed that thought. However, my answer is quite obvious. Though considering it is Skeppy, I find it hard to believe that anyone in this world would say no. Without much consideration I said yes.

Silence fell in the call until he spoke again with, as I am sure, a wide smile on his face."With how you answered, it sounded as if I were proposing to you"he laughed and continued his though,"I love you but give me some time before I do that"

My face become a complete blushing mess. So much so that I was glad no one was watching me. In hindsight, Rat was but I do not think she understood the reason behind my expression. She more or less looked at me with eyes that hinted that she required food and playtime.

"Thank you for accepting my feelings, I know that we went through some painfull things together and I want you to know, I will always be there for you. No matter what happens." Skeppy said with a sweeter tone to his voice. My heart can't have a break can it?

I finally also opened my mouth to speak "I should also thank you, you really are an amazing person." I could hear him shuffling around in his seat, a sign of him being utterly embarrassed. I got my revenge, I though.

We chatted around for a bit more, mostly updating each other on how our lives have been going. Both of us have been working hard and even though we make videos and content together, we haven't found the time to communicate that much.

"Another update" I begun, "our son Dapper is doing quite well I must say! I am the best dad in the world and obviously his favourite but I do hope he meets you soon!" Skeppy didn't say anything, leaving me confused. I didn't say anything bad right? Don't tell me he forgot about his son again...He then, after making a sound usually made when someone finally remembers what they wanted, said that he also hoped to see him.

Continuing our chat we had to, after what felt like minutes but was hours, finish our call. After all nothing had changed. Whether we are boyfriends platonic or romantic, he was still my best friend in the world. And I would love him no matter what happened. 


With all that stress finally out of my life, everything slowly but surely took a turn for the better. Meeting up with Skeppy multiple times, creating content as we liked again and again, hanging out with all of my friends; it was nearly impossible for me to predict that I would love my life as much as I did.

As for our relationship, even though I at first hardly opened up to my...boyfriend, this time not just meaning best friend, we soon begun going on more dates. We never moved in together which made us all the more excited when we reunited after a long period of time.
As for Rat and Roco, the little gremlin also began acting more friendly. It was only acting but it was nice to witness our "children" hanging out.


While they both acknowledged and regretted what had happened in the past, they never forgot anything. They also both regretted how much mutual pinning was involved in their process of getting together.

With time, wounds and scars healed, stress and anxiety were worn off. Now those memories are only looked back on with nostalgia and nothing more than that. The happiness they got was well deserved and they both know that.
Their friends still tease them occasionally about being together without knowing the truth that has yet to be revealed. Not that it particularly needed to be since anyone that had two eyes could see what was actually happening.

They were in love and that would never change.

[Word Count:900]

[Author's Note]:

Wow has it been a while haha. I am sorry for not updating the story for a while now and I also hope that this ending was worth the wait. I wrote this fanfic in attempt to deal with my mental health problems and portrayed the help I yearned from someone through Skeppy. And I am now proud to say more than 2 years later that I have gotten all of the help and support I needed from friends and family to start making recovering steps.

Although I won't always be perfect, I know that nobody ever will. And that was the point of the story. Two best friends helping each other through thick and thin with way too much mutual pinning...

Thank you everyone who has picked up this fanfic, I appreciate you so so much!! Also also, keep in mind that this is purely fiction and support both Skeppy and Bbh! They deserve the world honestly! Maybe I will write more in the feature, who knows. For the last time, I hope you have an amazing day/night :)

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