-Chapter Twenty five-

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TW//nothing !      

"I love you too Skeppy"

BadBoyHalo's Point Of View:

Those words, for some reason they hurt me, even if I was the one to say them. Does he realize that I actually mean them? I DO love him;

Maybe Skeppy for once kept quiet and just observed my face. I couldn't hear his breathing or if he was making any movements. The silence felt nice and, relaxing? However only one thought had been fogging up my mind. I love him.

Those three words kept repeating themselves. My house was usually cold, but just this once, I felt as if I was drowning in heat. Sure, it was almost summer and yes, the air conditioning wasn't on; but something felt different.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Skeppy's hand reach out and pet my head. He kept moving his hand back and forth as if I were a dog. I did feel like Lucy for a bit, no wonder dogs like it so much.

He giggled and looked at me once more "You really like pets don't you" his wide smile made me also laugh. "Yeah, I can see why Rocco likes you".

"NO! Rocco also likes me because I am a good owner, I feed him, I take care of him, I am there for, I obviously have an amazing personality-"

Skeppy kept adding on the list, but I couldn't focus on what he was saying. It became a blur really quick. I have to say it. Right here right now...

"Oh by the way Bad, I have to tell you something, now that you mentioned Rocco" he said in a serious tone. "What is it?" surely it wasn't something THAT important right?

After a long pause, he finally spoke "I have to go home pretty soon... Sorry if this is kind of shocking news, but some family stuff happened and you know, I have to be there."

I didn't answer for a while. I just started at him blankly. I knew that this was going to happen. He has been here for a long time after all. So why? Why are tears running down my face?

"Oh; I understand that! Its okay I suppose don't worry. Besides we can still call each other right?" A relived smile appeared once again on Skeppy's face. "Yes, of course Bad; if anything happens I am willing to call you again!"

As Skeppy was about to leave, probably to start packing his stuff, I grabbed his hand. Now is that time, I might as well do it, right?

"Everything good Bad? Do you need me for something?" say it, just say it. Keeping your feeling in will do more harm that you think.

"I love you Skeppy."

There, I said it. I finally said it. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off my chest. Skeppy however was very confused and; flustered?

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