-Chapter sixteen-

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TW// slight mentions of self-harm 

He opened his mouth saying "Anything..." before looking at me again with pure joy in his tired eyes.

"As long as I am with you."

Skeppy's Point Of View:

Whenever he says something as sweet as that, I can't help but smile. I take the remote control out of his hands and he lets out a cute gasp followed by a head bop on my shoulder. I continue to laugh and leave a small peck on his forehead.

I hand him the remote back and he opens the television. He then looks at me with a confused expression; like a child not knowing what the next step is in a task. "What type of movie do you want to watch?" he asked me while his gaze was locked onto mine.

"Whatever you want. We could watch a horror movie..." I answered as he immediately opened Netflix and searched the word horror. He seemed to be turning a bit pale and shaky. "Bad, we don't have to if you are scared." I said with a reassuring voice. "I-I am... It's okay. Besides, I have you here."

Whether or not that was a compliment, it filled my heart with delight. He picked a random movie that came up under said category. It wasn't as scary as I had expected but to Bad it was definitely frightening. With every jumpscare he buried his face, either under the covers or in my hoodie.

It didn't help that it started pouring with rain; making the whole atmosphere a ton more creepy. Eventually, a big scare happened and he hugged me, moving his head from left to right. I pet his hair and continued to watch the movie which ended not long after. It was alright but I have seen a lot scarier.

Bad however, has not moved an inch since that certain jumpscare. I could feel his warm breath on my chest which is a bit slower than mine. I turn off the TV and focus my ears on the snores that are escaping Bad.

I scoff before grabbing my phone and snapping a picture. I want to remember this moment. It might seem like a "cute couples" thing, but it was very special to me.


Is that what we would call each other? I am not quite sure. I shouldn't think about this right now. I know I love him but I don't want to force a relationship on him, especially not right now...

I knew I had to move to the bedroom but the thought of Bad waking up from his comfortable sleep made me upset. I felt something licking the top of my hand; and so I look down to see Rat and her goofy looking eyes.

Maybe I should actually go. Trying to get up without bothering the man in my arms, I pick him up with the blankets, making my way up the stairs and through the familiar doors. Lucy followed along making me cautious so as to not trip on her small body.

Bad is now lying on the bed, still sleeping like nothing happened. I could see his wounds due to his sleeves being lifted a bit. I try to pull them down; but he flinches and whines probably from the pain.

His eyes are still closed but he didn't look as peaceful as before. Changing my clothes into something more comfortable, I get in bed with him, wrapping my arms around him. His facial expression softens and he comes closer to me.

Failing to fall asleep I just stare into the ceiling. My eyes begin to see better through the darkness and I look around the room. It's still a bit messy and filled with energy drinks, some full some empty.

I really hope he stops drinking those. They aren't good for him. I am lucky to have found out about this, otherwise I don't know if he would still... be here.

That thought terrified me. What if one day he doesn't wake up? What if he still continues to hurt himself even when I am around? Those what if's began to flood my brain. I know he is right next to me but I held him closer and tighter as if he could disappear any second now.

I felt two eyes on me so I turned to see Bad with a half lidded gaze and a dizzy looking smile; probably because he just woke up.

"Skep?? Why are you still awake?" he asked, his voice low and tired. I shouldn't tell him the truth. He would worry more. "I just couldn't sleep. No worries." He looks at me, now both eyes wide open with a confused expression plastered in his face.

"W-why are you lying?" Bad spoke, fixing his posture a bit. "Says you" I said playfully rolling my eyes. I regretted that immediately.

"I...I am s-sorry." His voice now was full of sadness, breaking my heart. Why did I SAY THAT? I scold myself biting the bottom of my lip, to stop a scream from escaping. "No, I am sorry. I didn't mean that. Please don't blame yourself. I just said it as a joke." I forced out an excuse and he mumbled an "oh" sound.

A sharp exhale leaves my mouth and I stare back at him. "I couldn't sleep because... I thought you might; not wake up." I said; my loud sobs and tears filling the silence in the room.

Bad's  hand reached for my back to comfort me. All this time I have been holding it in. I wanted to crawl in a hole and never come up. I was the one who was supposed to help him not this. "I-I am sorry. I wasn't the one supposed to be crying." I muttered completely breaking down.

Bad just smiled at me and closed the gap between us with a small peck on my lips. It was sweet and quick. "I am here for you too. Please don't keep your feelings from me. I-I love you."

Tears continued falling down from my eyes. A wide smile forms on my face and I cup his cheek while he giggled a bit. It was always adorable and addicting. I wanted to hear him laugh all day long.

"I love you too"

[Word Count:1.046]

[Author's Note]:

I would like to start by thanking you for 1.6k+ reads and all of the incredible votes. They mean the world to me and also motivate me to keep writing. I never thought that this book would get more than one read so thank you so so much :] A bit of a shorter chapter today but I still hope you like it :D It's mostly fluff and I would like for it to be that for a while. But more angst is on its way so prepare >:] Hopefully Chapter 17 is a tad bit longer.

Until then, have a good morning/evening/night :D


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