-Chapter six-

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TW// coughing

My phone started to ring. I pressed on the green button accepting the call.


No one's Point Of View:

Both of the boys were pretty nervous calling each other, even though it was a pretty common thing for them. But this time was different. They didn't usually sleep call since Bad always seemed to be very busy late at night. It confused Skeppy so as to why; but didn't really think much of it.

They both got under their covers slowly feeling all of their muscles relax. Skeppy not wanting the call to be awkward, he broke the silence by finally speaking.

Skeppy's Point Of View:

[Bold =Skeppy Normal=Bad]

"Hello?" I said trying not to sound already tired. I didn't want to fall asleep on him. I heard no reply coming from the other side of the phone. I tied to adjust with the sound of device; thinking I might just have the volume too quite. It wasn't. I had already set it at 100%. Why is he not replying? Maybe he didn't hear me.

"Hello Bad! Are you there? Can you hear me?" I said with a loud and steady voice; making sure he heard me. Again no reply...Is he sleeping? No that is ridiculous. I called him like, two seconds ago.

As I am trying to figure out what is happening, I hear a loud cough followed by a hiccup from my headphones. Was that Bad? "Bad are you okay? Are you sick? Why aren't you talking?" I ask him but yet again, no answer. I hate having to ask this many questions and having to push him, but he leaves me no choice.

"Bad come on! I know you can hear me? What are you doing?" I ask not expecting an answer this time but to my surprise I heard something. It was too quiet for me to understand though.

"Bad what did you say? I can't hear you."I said holding in my breath as if I let out any sort of noise, I won't be able to hear what he said.


"Wha-? What hurts? Is everything alright over there?" Did I hear him say that or is my mind playing games with me. I stand up and furrowed my eyebrows. My breath hitched.

Why am I getting so nervous? Surely not. Surely everything is okay and I am just over thinking things. Yeah that's it.

More intense coughing, followed by gagging snapped me out of my thoughts. Something is definitely wrong.

"Bad please TAKE DEEP BREATHS" I need to lower my voice. The last thing I want to do is make him worry even more.

"Bad; I need you to go to your kitchen and pour yourself a glass of water." I was prepared for him to disagree with me; saying that he is fine like he always does, but instead I hear his weak voice.

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