-Chapter nineteen-

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TW// self-harm, mentions of self-hate / anorexia / purging

Bad looked at me dead in the eyes with a very worried expression plastered on his face.


BadBoyHalo's Point Of View:

The tweet that Skeppy thought he managed to scroll by caught me off guard. It confused me a lot, especially the way Skeppy reacted. I don't remember him being serious, but it did mention 'a previous stream'.

Skeppy had a blank facial expression, impossible for someone to read. However I could tell he was panicking. Not wanting to make him any more uncomfortable, I tried changing the subject pretending to not have read anything.

"Skeppy, do you want to log onto the SMP?" I asked and his hands moved automatically, closing the previously opened tabs and loading Minecraft. I laid my head on his shoulder, waiting for the server to open, which it did not long after.

My connection had been pretty bad lately, due to some people working on the internet cords. It does get irritating sometimes but it's not like I used the internet much lately. Probably for the better.

We played a bit, mostly just walking around not doing anything important. More donations came through asking questions about how living with each other was, if I swore off camera; at which I scoffed at and if Skeppy had met Rat.

Everything seemed to be going back to normal as the air between us didn't feel as tense. Another notification came up but this time it was Puffy calling us on Discord. Skeppy answered the call, and both of our ears were filled with her sweet and soft voice.

"Muffinhead! Skeppy! Where have you guys been? Especially you Bad, it feels like ages since the last time I spoke to you!" Oh boy, where have I been... I want to tell Puffy, I trust her but right now we are streaming. Maybe later.

"I have just been busy. Like always." I said with an awkward laugh at the end of the sentence. She hummed in response understanding, used to that always being my excuse. "Well, how are you Skeppy?" her voice spoke once again. "Been good, just chilling."

Our conversation continued with Puffy asking some silly questions to lighten up the mood. She might have just came here but she wasn't oblivious. She could tell something was going on.

"Hey Skeppy" she started "Does Bad snore in his sleep?" Skeppy smirked at me, making a dramatic facial expression before answered "Oh, yes Puffy, he does! I haven't slept in so long, oh help me!" he whined, dragging out each word.

Laughter filled the call as I rolled my eyes but not in an annoyed way. I missed this. Streaming, playing with friends and just making jokes. Why was I such a coward? Everything and everyone seemed so nice? Is it because he is here? Do they just care about him and not me?

The stream carried on, us three messing around, other people popping in here and there to say hello. A notable appearance was Quackity's who didn't hesitate to start arguing with Skeppy for meeting up with me and also being taller than the both of us.

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