Chapter 2

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"Miss. Hong, wake up, we're here", whispered Mr. Cho, slightly shaking me. "The plane has landed in Malta." I immediately get up from my seat, grab my stuff and exit the airplane. As I got off, I inhale the glorious fresh air. The weather is a bit hot but refreshing at the same time. Ah, I'm one step closer to him. Mr. Cho and I started walking into the airport. "Some of Mr. Cassano's men should pick us up and drop us off at a location where we will go on a helicopter to fly to the Pagliuzza."

I simply nodded with a bright smile on my face in response to Mr.Cho's statement. While walking I hear a voice calling from behind us. "Mrs. Cassano!" extremely shocked at what I just heard. We both stopped in our tracks and turned around to see Luca, Vincenzo's friend. "Good morning Mrs. Cassano, Mr. Cassano told me to escort you to the helicopter along with Mr. Cho."

I didn't know how to respond when he said that so I just followed him. We arrived at the helicopter and we were greeted by the pilot and the other men that were there waiting.

After one hour of flying I could finally see the island. I saw tiny movements, I'm guessing those are people. The helicopter landed carefully on a runway. There were many other men there waiting. Luca, Mr. Cho and I exited the aircraft and went to look for Vincenzo.

"Mrs. Cassano, these men will carry you to Mr. Cassano's home safely. I was told to escort Mr. Cho here to a facility, seeing as he helped Mr. Cassano in his time back in Korea. He will be given a VIP card and I.D to be able to enter places that are only for staff here." said Luca.

I found it a little weird because of the fact that Mr. Cho won't be able to stay here that long since he has work to do back at the agency, but I didn't let that bother me too much. I gave both of them a small bow and followed the men to Vincenzo's home.

We walked for ten minutes and arrived which is a relief because I don't know how long I'll be able to walk further in these heels. "This is the Boss' home, you can enter, we'll leave you here now, have a good day Mrs. Cassano" said one of the men.

What's with this Mrs. Cassano, I bet Vincenzo did this. I'm not complaining, but still, I'm a little surprised he told them to call me that.

The outside of the house was magnificent. I took in the view and entered the building. I didn't want to make any noise yet so he doesn't know I'm here. Taking off my shoes quietly I hear a splash of water. "Maybe Vincenzo's in a pool" I thought to myself. I placed my things in a corner and quickly went around the back. Don't worry, I didn't carry all of that luggage by myself.

  When I was walking down the hall, I saw a picture of both of us, kissing that night at the museum where we pretended to be that English couple

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When I was walking down the hall, I saw a picture of both of us, kissing that night at the museum where we pretended to be that English couple. But how did he get the picture, did they send it to him too?

Around the back was extraordinary. As I stepped outside I could feel the warm atmosphere hit my body again, considering in his home was cooler.


When I looked in the direction of the pool, I could see Mr. Vincenzo Cassano coming out of the water without a shirt on. I was staring at his body, glistening in the sunlight, that I didn't even realize he was standing right infront of me. "What? Do I need to wear a shirt when I swim or will you always get this distracted when we go for swims in the future?"

I snapped back into reality on hearing those words. I look up at him. Speechless, and he realized, he hugged me and said, "I couldn't stop thinking about you ever since I left that party." "Pfft, I don't believe you" I replied. Just then Vincenzo pulled me closer and kissed me. "Now, do you believe me?"

To be continued...

VINCENZO - Season 2Where stories live. Discover now