Chapter 6

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It's too early in the morning. I suddenly jump out of bed by this loud knocking on my front door. Who could it be? It's probably 3:30 am right now. I quickly get out of bed, hopefully quiet enough to not wake Cha-young. I hurry downstairs to the front door to find Luca sweating and frightened. "Luca, are you alright? Why are you here so early in the morning?"

"Sir, sorry to wake you but you have to hear this, even better, see it for yourself"

I'm a little worried but at the same time curious as to what Luca has to show me so early and urgently. "Come in Luca", I assured him. We both went into the living room and meanwhile he was getting ready to show me what it is he was showing me, I went to get him a glass of water.

As soon as I got the water, I went back over to Luca. "Sir, look" Luca said with a crack in his voice. Intrigued by the tone of his voice, I looked over on the screen. "What am I looking at?" I asked Luca. "Pay close attention to this part of the screen, doesn't this person look familiar?" he replied.

*Glass shatters*

The glass of water I had for Luca slipped out of my grip, I can't believe my eyes. "How is this possible? How did he manage to find out about here? I asked still staring at the footage.

"The better question is, how is he alive?"

"Who else knows?" I asked Luca "Just the two of us" he replied. "Let's keep it that way"

Time Skip

It's 9:00 am now, I haven't been able to sleep since earlier this morning. I still can't wrap my head around what I saw.

I hear footsteps coming from upstairs, Cha-young must be awake now. How will I be able to tell her?

End of Vincenzo's POV

Cha-young has woken up and realizes she doesn't feel another presence in the bed with her. "Vincenzo must be awake already" she thought. Cha-young freshened up and went downstairs to look for Vincenzo. She saw he was sitting in the living room. He seemed a bit uneasy to her.

"Good morning!" she said, with a bright smile as she walked over to him and sat in his lap. Vincenzo tried his best to hide his emotions about what he had heard but knowing Cha-young, he couldn't hide anything.

Cha-young's POV

I can sense hesitation around Vincenzo. He's trying to hide something, well not for long. "So, anything you have to tell me?" I said, looking into his eyes. He slowly looked into my eyes, this time he was no longer hesitant, he had this ounce of fury in his eyes but a little sadness as well. The type of sadness and fury from when, his mother had died.

"Luca came over really early this morning, he, he showed me something on his laptop" Vincenzo said. "What did he show you?"

"He showed me camera footage of-" Vincenzo paused. Signalling me to get off his lap, I got up and he started to pace around the room. I got a little worried, so I walked over to him and tried my best to get him to calm down. After about five minutes I got Vincenzo to calm down and sit back down.

"Are you ready to tell me what you saw?" I asked. He nodded in reply and said,

"He showed me footage of Jang Han-seok"

Upon hearing those words I stumbled back into confusion. How can he be alive? He died back in Korea. "There must be some camera glitch or something else that can explain what you two saw, there is no possible way for him to be alive" I said in denial to his words.

"I'm also shocked but I know what I saw. I saw a face that I will never forget or mistake for anyone else's. I saw the face of a man who killed countless people. I saw the face of the man who lied and manipulated thousands of individuals.
I saw the face of the man who murdered my helpless, sick mother

I saw the face of a man named Jang Han-seok"

I saw the face of a man named Jang Han-seok"

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To be continued...

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