Chapter 3

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I look up at Vincenzo, speechless, our eyes unable to look away from each other. "So what's with this Mrs. Cassano?" I asked, still not looking away from his gorgeous eyes. "I didn't do that, when we kissed that night at the museum, some of the men I came with saw us kissing and the rumour spread that you were my girlfriend" Vincenzo said blushing.

His cheeks became red, and he tried to look away but he kept making eye contact with me every second. I have never seen a Mafia boss blush this hard before. I thought it was cute.

"Are you blushing?" I asked knowing the answer to my question. I only wanted to see how he would react. "I'm not blushing" he said as he quickly let go of my waist and turned around.

He took up the towel nearby and started drying himself. "So where is my room? You told me you already had a room for me here" I asked blinking rapidly with a playful smile on my face.

 "So where is my room? You told me you already had a room for me here" I asked blinking rapidly with a playful smile on my face

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(pretend Vincenzo is shirtless in the picture)

"Come with me" he replied. I'm so excited to see my room. I hope the bed is big and I have lots of space to put my things. We went upstairs and entered a room that had two large doors. The room was amazing. "I can't believe I have this all to myself!" I said as I ran and jumped on the bed with glee.

"Now, when did I say this was only your room?" Vincenzo said while walking to his closet to get some clothes

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"Now, when did I say this was only your room?" Vincenzo said while walking to his closet to get some clothes. "I said I had a room for you, not for you only." As shocked as I was, I didn't exactly care at the moment, I was super tired from that plane and helicopter ride and the fact that I had to walk so long in heels. Vincenzo turned to look at me but I was taken away by the feeling of comfort and peace the luxurious bed gave me.

Vincenzo's POV

I can't believe Cha-young's here, on my island, in my villa, in my room, laying on my bed. From the day I met her I knew she would be in my life but I tried to ignore it like the idiot I was. She was sleeping so I went to take a shower and change my clothes. I couldn't stop thinking about her and I didn't dare not to. I missed her so much. Even though I know she would have to go back to Korea one day, I can't bare to let her go.

End of POV

Time Skip

Cha-young's POV

It's morning already. I feel the warm sunlight hit my face. I decided to get my things to change but when I try to get up out of bed I feel movement in the bed. "Good morning" Vincenzo said. "Good morning" I replied. It felt weird that we were sleeping in the same bed, yes, we did share a few kisses but it still feels weird. I went to get my things and entered the nearest bathroom. After doing my morning routine, I smelled something delicious coming from downstairs.

When I went downstairs I heard a pot sizzling, looks like I found the kitchen. There he is, Vincenzo Cassano, cooking breakfast. After a few minutes he finished cooking and shared the food between the both of us. "Do you want to explore the island today? I don't have anything planned today so I was wondering if you and I could hang out" he asked. "Sure, just let me change into something else" I said in reply.

Time Skip

"I want to show you something first before we explore anywhere else." he said. Vincenzo and I took his car and we were driving for 10 minutes. We stopped at this really large building. When we entered there was a main desk and someone behind it. "Good morning Mr. Cassano, looking handsome as always" said the woman standing behind the desk. I was a bit jealous because when I looked at Vincenzo he seemed to be enjoying it. "Good morning" he replied.
*Heavy sigh*

He noticed that I sighed heavily and held my hand. I was a bit happy he held my hand, but a little jealous at the same time. I know Vincenzo and I like each other and he is not the type of man to just cheat so I didn't really worry.

"We're almost there" he said as we walked up a flight of stairs. "We're here" I looked around and saw lots of paintings. All were beautiful, but two of the paintings stood out the most. There was a painting of me

and a painting of Jang Hanseo

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and a painting of Jang Hanseo.

"You got him a painting" I looked at him

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"You got him a painting" I looked at him. He almost had tears in his eyes. "He was like a brother to me, I only knew him for a short time, but I'm happy I knew what it felt like to have a brother"

To be continued...

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