Chapter 8

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??? POV

I don't know why I'm here. Something seems strange. I, I know this woman, I know her name, her face, her smile, but why don't I remember how i know these things. I remember my name, but that's all I can remember about myself. How did I reach in this position? How and why do I feel so attracted to Hong Cha-young.

Ever since I woke up from that hospital, I remembered her, all I could think about was her. I feel attached to her, even to the point where I snuck out of the hospital. I found out as much as I could about where she was so I could find her and get answers. It took a while but I found out she was staying on this separate island called Pen- Pag- Peg- Pagliu- nevermind.

At this point all I know is if I keep following her around, I can find out more about her and why she seems so important to me and maybe why the heck I was in the hospital int eh first place.

I'm following her now, she doesn't seem to be alone. She's with another woman. Maybe it's her sister or just a friend. They seem to be shopping for wedding dresses. Is she getting married? I slowly walk up to the glass trying to be discreet so they won't notice me. She took a dress, went to change into it and when she got out, I was dazzled by her beauty.

Forgetting I'm supposed to be hiding and keeping a low profile, I make it obvious so she sees me, not being aware of my actions. When she turned around and saw me, I don't know why, maybe she thought I was some creep watching her through the glass, or maybe, she recognized me but her facial expression was not at all pleasant when she saw me. She looked frightened. Immediately after the other woman turned to look at me. It looked as if she was about to run after me, so I got a headstart.

I ran as fast as I could and tried to blend in with the crowd. Running as fast as I could to get away from her, I ran into a narrow opening to escape her. "I think I lost her", letting out a heavy breath of air.

Not long after, a powerful car could be heard roaring down the street. I took a peep to look. A blue Ferrari with it's roof down was seen. I got a good look at the person's face, not knowing, or better yet remembering who that person was, i became furious, filled with rage. Who is this man? I must've had some beef with him or something to make me feel such hatred.

Later that day I went back to the place I was staying. Not really a place exactly, more like the boat I took to get here. Apparently I'm rich and owned a yacht. On my way there, I bumped into a stranger. "Sorry ma'am", I turned apologizing. The look on her face told me something was wrong.

"Call Mr. Cassano!!! Someone hurry!!! Jang Han-seok is alive!!!", the lady screamed to get someone's attention. Alarmed, I started to run very fast to my boat. Luckily I wasn't followed.

"Jang Han-seok is alive? What's that supposed to mean? Am I supposed to be dead or something?"

I brushed it off and went to freshen up and have some rest.

Laying down in my bed, closing my eyes slowly, the words "Mr. Cassano" echoed. Why does this name soumd so familiar. Did I? Do I know anyone whose name is Cassano?

"Cassano, Cassano, Cassano" i repeated over and over in my head to see if it could ring a bell. I did it over and over again until I fell asleep.


(EP 20 recap, Vincenzo torturing Han-seok with the Russian torture device)

The next morning

*Jumps out of sleep* VINCENZO CASSANO!!!!

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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