Chapter 2

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Once sal got home he walked into his room and unbuckled his mask. It felt nice to finally get to take it off. He also took off his shoes and put his bag down on the ground. He then sat down on his bed and grabbed out some sheet music.

"Okay you got this sal '' he said to himself as he grabbed his guitar off of the stand and began to try to play the song. He kept messing up on the cords and just wanted to figure it out. He continued trying but he felt like he was getting nowhere. He was doing everything right but he didn't like that it wasn't perfect. So he just set his guitar down annoyed. Sal then got up and grabbed his homework out of his school bag and walked over to his desk to start working on it. Sal was the top student in class which most people did not expect when they saw him. He thought it was dumb that people made assumptions based on his appearance but he couldn't stop them.

After he got done with his homework he went ahead and changed into a red skirt that went down to his knees and a large Sanitys fall shirt. The reason he got changed was that his clothes smelled like sweat. He was just going to go lay down and then Larry called him on the walkie-talkie.

"Hey larry face" sal said

"Hey sally face, Is it okay if we change the movie night to tomorrow my mom wanted to hangout just me and her" larry said

"Yeah, that's alright! Make sure to tell everyone else also" he said. He was glad that they changed it since he wasn't up to hanging out with everyone tonight.

Sal then went into his kitchen and got out the stuff to make cookies since he was craving some and needed something to do anyway.

Travis stepped into the church, the large doors closing behind him. His dad was going to make him help print and cut out flyers to put around the town. They never seemed to work though since it was always the same people every Sunday. They also did church services on Wednesdays which Travis never liked since he had to stay at the church late.

"Hello father," Travis said to his dad as he walked up to him. His dad and him had never been on good terms even before he found out he might be gay. But he was cured now and that's all that mattered. Though sometimes the homosexual thoughts still lingered but he just ignored them since he of course wasn't gay that'd be a sin"

"Hello son I need you to go cut these out there are some scissors over there," he said handing him some papers and pointing to a small table with some supplies over on it. Travis nodded and walked over to the table sitting down and beginning to cut out the papers. While he was cutting them he began thinking about sal. His pretty blue hair and how captivating his eyes were when you could spot them under the mask. He finally realized what he was thinking.

"Ew no, I'm not a fxg," Travis said quietly to himself. He wasn't gross, he just couldn't be. He was the perfect Christian in no way could he be so disgusting. He decided he would pray about it later to apologize to god for his thoughts.

A while later Travis finally finished with the flyers and handed them to his father.

"Good, now I need you to hang these up on your way to school tomorrow make sure they're everywhere and not easy to miss. Understand?" his dad said. No matter what he was saying he always sounded harsh and like there was a sharpness to his voice.

"Understood," Travis said, nodding he was scared to do anything around his dad even if it was what his dad told him to do. One wrong move and he'd end up with another bruise to add to the collection. He hated the bruises they made him seem weak. Most people at school assumed they were just from him getting into fights with other students but, even then it made it seem like he lost the fight which made him angry any form of weakness made him mad.

After Travis did a couple more things to help with the church he finally got to go home. His dad was going to be staying even a little later at the church so he just began to walk home. It was almost dark out and it was slightly drizzling, not enough to need an umbrella but just enough to be annoying. He was a little scared but refused to admit it. The sound of the crickets and the rain hitting the ground was frightening yet calming.

He finally reached his house after walking for half a mile and went inside his hair and clothes now wet due to the rain. His mom greeted him as she was washing dishes.

"Welcome home, did you have a good day at school?" his mom asked. She always tried to be as nice as she could with him. His dad treated her terribly but she didn't want to leave and abandon Travis.

"Yeah school was good" he lied not wanting to make his mother worried. He didn't like school but it was better than being around his dad.

"I made dinner but it's cold now. You can heat it up though." his mom said as she kept washing dishes. If she didn't get all the housework done before Kenneth came home there would be a huge issue.

"Thanks, mom," Travis said and walked upstairs to his room. His room was quite plain white walls, a bed with a green comforter, a lamp, and a cross. There was also a bible next to his bed. He wanted to do something cooler with his room but he knew his dad would never let him. His dad thinks that if his room was anymore decorated it would make him not be as focused on god. The only book he was allowed to read was the bible. Well, he was sometimes allowed to read other books but they had to be religious. He set his bag down and took off his shoes plopping onto the bed.
"I wonder what he's up to.." Travis said to himself.

Sal was making cookies and making an absolute mess while doing so. He had to stand on a stool to reach the stuff he needed due to how short he was.

"Where the hell are the measuring cups," Sal said to himself looking in the drawers "Ha! Found them" he began to put the flour into the bowl and crack the eggs. He added the sugar and vanilla and chocolate chips and began to mix it all. After he was done mixing it he rolled them out onto little tiny balls and put them into the oven. He then looked at the kitchen which was now an absolute mess. He cleaned up the kitchen and after a while, the cookies were done. He took them out of the oven and waited for them to cool. Sal then ate a couple.

He then went and got ready for bed brushing his teeth, drinking some water, and laying down. Gizmo hopped onto his bed.

"Goodnight gizmo," he said and fell asleep.

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