Chapter 4

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Authors note -
I am so sorry guys that I haven't been updating my mom has cancer and I've been going through a kind of rough depression patch so that's not been fun. Also my computer charger broke and I have to save up for a new one so I'm writing this on an old iPad. I'm also trying to finish this in one night so sorry if it's short

Sal walked home from school and got home sitting on his bed. He and the gang were supposed to go ghost hunting later so he was looking through newspapers for any deaths near them to get an idea of what they could find. He was glad that the whole gang could see the ghosts and didn't think he was crazy. When he first tried to show Larry Megan and she didn't show up he almost had a heart attack and was scared Larry would think he was crazy. Sal kept going through the newspapers before looking over at the clock.

"Holy shit I have to go" he said to himself jumping out of bed. He threw on a zip up hoodie, his converse and a beanie. He also grabbed a flashlight and his gearboy knowing he would need them. He then left his apartment his dad was passed out so he didn't even bother telling him he was leaving. He got in the elevator putting in his keycard and going down to Larry's place since that's where they all meet up before they go ghost hunting or just go hangout. They would hang out at Larry's place more but it smelled too much like weed and b.o. They were also pretty sure Larry didn't shower or wash his clothes. But they still loved him (platonically) either way. He walked into Larry's place.

"I'm here dudes" he said. He didn't Even bother knocking at this point since Larry didn't care and he basically lived there anyway.

"Oh hey you finally showed up." Todd said. He was messing out with some papers he had printed out about local deaths. "I think I found something that we need to go check out" Todd always liked to do research and double check everything before they went ghost hunting unlike everyone else who just wanted to get straight to the fun part.

"What did you find?" Larry asked Todd. Larry had his hair up in a ponytail and there was a cigarette in between his fingers. Sal always tried to get Larry to stop smoking but he just wouldn't.

"Some dude killed himself behind the apartments a month ago. Well they're pretty sure it was a suicide the case it just coming out now" Todd said.

"Well maybe if we can communicate with him we can figure out what it is." Sal said squatting down next to Todd looking at the papers.

"Any clue about his name or anything that could help us talk to him?" Ash asked.

"His name is Carl Jones and he was 32 on his date of death. He passed away around a month ago there's no exact date on here." Todd said searching through the papers for the exact date.

"Well I guess we should get going instead of just talking about it" Sal said kind of excited since they hadn't gone ghost hunting in a month.

"Yeah lets get going" Larry said putt the cigarette in the ash tray in his room. The rest of the gang nodded at the idea of going and they started off on their journey to communicate with the ghost.

They soon reached the back of the apartments the area where the article had said he had been killed.They were all shining their flashlights around looking for any clues. Sal turned on his gearboy and started walking around hoping to find something.

"Have you found anything yet anyone?" Todd called out to them just to be answered with no's and not yet's. After a little bit of searching sal's gear boy finally lit up.

"Guys! guys!" Sal called out "my gearboy is sensing something" he said. They all scurried over to him. Once everyone was over to sal he pressed the button. The ghost formed.

"T...hey t...o..o.k m..y f...a..m.....I..l..y a...nd k...I..l..l..e..d m..e" the ghost said.

"Who took your family who killed you?" Sal said a little confused.

"T...h..e.....y d...i........d"

"Who's they?" Todd asked

"T...h.......e...y" the ghost said before disappearing

"I would say that was weird but that was actually pretty normal for us" Sal said slightly laughing at the end.

"We should probably head back and sleep on this. We can do more research tomorrow" Todd said

"Yeah I want to sleep" Larry said

"You're always tired" Sal said

"Ya ya whatever" Larry responded

The gang then went back to their apartments.

Sal got ready for bed. He took off his mask, brushed his teeth, and brushed his hair. Sal just slept in a baggy shirt and boxers since it was the easiest he didn't fully understand the point of having cute pajamas even when no one would see them. He then turned off the light and went to bed.

I'll fix any spelling or grammar mistakes tomorrow it's almost 4 am also this was sort of just filler

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