Disclaimer Page

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      Hello, this is a Razor x Reader, so the main focus will be on only you and Razor. There will be NO ships in this book unless it is canon! 

I know Razor and the few characters I bring up are not going to be themselves most likely, I've not yet reached Razors sorry quest, but I am getting there. 

Your weapon, Vision, Looks, what you wear, and your gender will NOT be specified! I shall respect people's creativity and what they want.

If you do see in the book that there is a pronoun of a gender, PLEASE DO TELL ME! I will try and fix it as soon as I can! 

Updates won't be so frequent, but I promise I will not give up on this book like I did with the others! If I've not updated in months, you are allowed to yell at me in the comments. To me it's very rude to the readers if the author hasn't updated in months or even years! So I shall not let that happen to my readers. 

There will be no such things as A/N's unless necessary! I want this book to be A/N free! 

This is the page where you will criticize my writing and give me pointers! I'm not a professional writer at all! 

None of these characters belong to me! Mihoyo made all of these lovely characters, scenery, and settings aside from the Reader, which is you and I do not own you. 

No pictures in this book! Use your imagination.

I will be putting trigger warnings, some might be slight, others might be major. 

I do have an editor for this book! @Crab_Father Is my lovely editor and best friend! 

That should be all, if you have any questions that has to do with my books feel free to message me privately so I can answer those questions! 

Edit: I realized I didn't clarify that all character are above Eighteen! Dont worry you aren't fucking a minor! Razor is Twenty in this book!

Shattered Wolfhook. (A Razor x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now