Chapter Four.

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(WARNING! THIS IS WHERE THINGS GET SMUTTY! Sexual harassment is started by Razor, and you don't defend yourself from it. I am really sorry if you are a victim of sexual assault, harassment, and/or abuse! I'd suggest you don't read this chapter! There won't be much you miss if you do decide to skip, I'll recap it the best I can in the next chapter. If you decide to read this, please be weary! You can give me tips on this chapter on how to make it better! I love you all, and please stay safe my readers! You've been warned! Razor also makes everything really fast! I mean like, imagine being a young adult, live in a forest, witnessed people have sex in the forests, maybe even his own Lupical because they're wild animals. Do not worry he will change in later chapters once he becomes more educated on how to actually start a healthy relationship and stay in one.)

You woke up, the sun glimmering down onto your face. You shield your eyes from the bright light, it was freezing in the cave, but the warmth on your back said otherwise. Turning around and seeing a yellow bandana in your face made you squeak, looking up at what wore it. "R-Razor!?" You exclaimed, sitting up, Razor hummed, opening his eyes and looking towards you. Before pulling you down into an embrace, and nuzzling into your hair. You were about to speak until you heard him growl in your ear, and groggily tell you to go back to sleep. You refused, putting your hands on his chest to push yourself away from him so you could get up, but he whined, pulling you in closer as well as tightening his grip around your form.

You shuddered when you felt a warm, wet solid graze over your ear. You knew it was his tongue from the many times he has licked you. Your breathing hitched as he started to move lower to your neck. You carefully pushed his head away, your face was red and your breathing was a little shaky. Razor moved back down to your neck, slowly rolling to pin you down onto the soft thatch patch. "R-Razor, what are you going to do?" You said in a panicked voice, he responded in a low voice, one much lower than his regular one. "Mark you. Razor need mate."He said, and you were baffled.

Before you could retort, he latched his mouth onto your neck, giving small suckles and kisses to it. You were in such shock that you couldn't even move, small noises escaping your agape mouth. Your hands made their way to his face, lifting it up so then he was away from the sensitive flesh. He was clearly frustrated with the action, and whined, trying to dive back and give more attention to your neck. You kept him out of the reach of your neck, your hands moving down to his chest to keep him away. He pressed all of his weight onto your hands, making your elbows bend. He was heavy, and your arms could not support the weight of his entire body. Your arms eventually gave out, and he took the chance to continue to ravage and abuse your neck. He only got more aggressive once you breathed out his name, as if something broke inside of him. He slid his hand down your side, trailing to to your inner thigh.

He pressed his palm against your sex, and you released a sound that reached his ears, making him snarl into your sensitive flesh, making you increase your volume by the vibrations. He started to palm your sensitive sex, making you cry out, pressing your hands against his chest, whimpering for him to stop. He continued to play with your sex, taken advantage on how vulnerable you were with both his weight and strength, but looked you into the eyes, his movements slowing to a stop. He continued his movements once you bucked your hips up, you needed the stimulation, and the pressure of his hand against you was amazing. He moved his hand away from you, and moved his gaze to yours. You whimpered, before giving yourself a minute before finally speaking. "P-please, don't touch me like that." That was a lie, you wanted him to touch n. Razor tilted his head, before giving you a small smirk. "Y/N enjoyed it. Or is Razor mistaken?" He growled in your ear, before nipping the sensitive flesh. You gasped, your back arching. He leaned down, giving your lips a small chaste kiss. You whined at the simple kiss, but the male towering over you simply giggled, pressing his hand against your shoulder to hold you down. Razor rolled to the side of you, embracing your body close to his.

Now, there is no way he'd forget about your horniness, but he decided to make you wait for a bit. Of course, him being Razor, he felt bad taking advantage of you and your strength, yet your noises were all he needed to prove himself that you had enjoyed it, as well as the little to no attempts at pushing him off. What were you two now though? Were you both still acquainted? Friends? Maybe even lovers? Razor wouldn't mind having moments like these everyday, but he didn't think you were comfortable. Although he just sexually harassed you, you liked it, right? That's why you made those noises. Right? The pressure on his chest was unpleasant as he turned his head towards you. You were comfortable, and getting ready for a deep sleep, until you felt your arm pillow shift. "Razor sorry." It was words you didn't really expect. Your eyes met his red ones, and he averted them away, before tilting his head all together to not look at you. "For, doing that. Without, er... permission." He admitted, not daring to meet your gaze. You didn't answer him, yes you kinda let it happen, but it wasn't okay. You moved your arms to gently graze your fingers into his knotted hair. "You need to brush your hair, Razor, it's all tangled!" You changed the subject quickly, but he noticed you not answering him at all. He simply nodded, and pressed his head against your chest.

He closed his eyes a few minutes after you began to really play with his hair, untangling most of it from your fingers. You still haven't though of how you'll view him, and hopefully you'll forget about it later.

Shattered Wolfhook. (A Razor x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now