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Thank you all for reading this book! Honestly it wasn't as smutty as I thought It would be, now, for those of you who are like "wait wtf that's it?" No worries! Shattered Wolfhook will have an alternate ending and book coming soon! Filled with fluff, and you guessed it, tons of smut!

Thank you to the readers who've supported me throughout this journey, and it was so hard not to put A/Ns to say and express my gratitude! Now I can!

I remember when this story was at Zero reads, but now look at it! A whole fucking lotta reads that's for sure!

Thank you! Thank you everyone! You've made me realize how fun it was to write X readers, and it's amazing to see people comment their thoughts and make tiny little jokes, it makes me smile!

I'm sorry that each chapter was so short, aswell as the book itself, and I promise the alternative ending won't be as short, and hopefully a lot longer!

Thank you! Goodbye everyone!

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