Chapter Two

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(Warnings: SLIGHT sexual themes, not much, but now you know Razors a boy with hormones like the rest :))

Feeling you go limp in his grasp, Razor looked down at you. He poked your cheek to make sure you were still alive, which you responded to with a swat of your hand. Why he was doing this he couldn't understand. You had hurt his family, his lupical, and he decides to help you. "Cursed Razor, world cursed Razor with big heart." He mumbled under his breath. He continued to scold himself, while making sure the injured wolf was okay and following him. He made his way into a small den, ducking down to get into the entrance. He placed you down against a bed of feathers and hay, and lit a small fire on a pile of sticks he had put down. The thing he didn't understand was the wolf curling up next to you, their head on your neck. You weren't lupical, you were far from being a part of it, yet Razors lupical is snuggling you, keeping you warm. Razor stabbed two pieces of fresh boar he had hunted not too long ago, and placed the sticks over the fire, observing them cook. He threw in some herbs he found, and a chunk of rock salt.

His mouth watered at the smell, as he took in a whiff of the savory aroma it gave, before taking off the now cooked meats, and placing them on a plate. He decided to get creative, making a structure out of sticks that he was actually very proud of. He looked at your sleeping form, then at your neck where he had bit. Cringing at the sight, and at the guilt his chest had produced for him, he took the plate over to you. To him you did not dare deserve a kind wakeup, but he gave you one anyway, pressing his nose against your temple and licking it. You woke up with a hum, reaching behind you to pet what was licking you, thinking it was one of the local dogs or cats you've seen in Mondstadt, when soft hair reached your hand, you pulled away immediately. Turning around your eyes met with the light red ones, which were soft, and no urge to hurt in them. You placed your hand on your temple, feeling it being wet. "Did you just lick me?" You asked, gulping down the fear you had. He stared at you for a moment, before nodding. "W..Why did you lick me?" You stuttered, and his response was blunt. "Food." this had you confused, were you the food? Or had he made food? Your question was answered when he brought a plate to your face. You started to admire the structure of sticks, it was cute, and brought a smile to your face. You took the plate, and nodded to him as a "Thank you."

The meal with the boy was pleasant, not much talking was involved aside from exchanging names. The food was delicious, although it was just cooked meat with some fresh herbs and a large chunk of rock salt, the wounded wolf laid next to you, sneaking tid-bits off of your plate. Razor watched as you gave the wolf some of your meat, and he swore his heart fluttered, which he hated. They were human, not a wolf, they are not a potential mate. This circled his mind, and he couldn't get used to it. His mind told him he did not want you, but his heart said something different. He turned his head away from you, not wanting to look at you anymore if he did he could start blushing like a madman immediately. He quietly excused himself, exiting the den to collect his thoughts. He growled, gripping onto his scalp. He did not understand himself, he did not understand why he felt this way towards you. You weren't a wolf, you hurt his lupical, you had just met, and he's over here like a love sick puppy. He wasn't desperate, he was attractive, he could get any female to notice him. Well, all aside from the female wolves who had ignored him all his life. Yet he fell for you, and quickly too. You were very beautiful, so looks might've been the reason, but he never felt that the first time he looked at you. maybe it was your kindness to the wolf you had hurt, though it might just be out of fear. Maybe it was your submission to him whenever he snapped, and you had never fought back.

His breathing hitched once he got certain thoughts, you under him, breathing heavily as your shirt was messed up, and your face flushed. Snarling and darting his eyes to the side to try and stop thinking about them, Razor sat by a tree, burying his face into his knees. He pondered, wondering what made him do this, why this even happened. He was so overwhelmed with emotions that he started to express it, tearing up, and having them trail down his cheeks, of course halfway freezing whenever they did. A soft hand was pressed against his shoulder, he tensed up at the sudden contact, before having the feeling of warm arms being wrapped around him. He hated whenever he was seen being so vulnerable, but he let it happen. Recognising the scent just made him cry more, as the guilt formed as he could feel scabs on a piece of flesh, surrounding the cylinder like shape. "R..Razor sorry. Razor so sorry!" He choked, wrapping his arms around your form, as you quietly continued to hug him, rubbing circles around his back.

You had an idea on why he was apologising, but did not understand why he was doing it. "Don't apologise, you had every right to hurt me. I hurt your family." You said calmly, his head moving closer to your neck as your chin rested against his fluffy silver hair. He shook his head underneath your chin, sobbing into your collar bone. He hated this, he hated being so vulnerable in front of people, but at this point he did not care anymore. He sniffled and sobbed, holding onto you tightly.

Shattered Wolfhook. (A Razor x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now