Chapter Nine.

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It had been hours since you last saw Razor, and you were honestly getting worried. Why did you say that? You did love him, you just didn't want to believe you did. You stood up, peering out the mouth of the cave, you saw blood on the white blanket of snow, and immediately sprinted to where it began. You screamed as you saw a familiar silver haired figure curled up in the snow, and dropped down to your knees next to it. "Razor! Razor please!" You shook him, and he let out a noise of pain, like a soft whimper. You looked around for that stupid purple berry, and you luckily spotted one, one single wolfhook.

Razor had a large gash on his chest, he was barely breathing, and his eyes were wide open, tears streaming down them. You smashed the berry in between your hands, then heard a howl from a few feet behind you. You turned, seeing dozens of massive wolves tower over your form, you looked at the male in front of you, and they watched as you tried your best to patch him up. There was no way he would survive with just a measly little patch of wolfhook and bandage with his torn bandana. Especially out in the snow. You looked towards the wolves behind you. "Can you carry him? I need you all to follow me!" You said, you don't know if they understood english, but you beamed when they bowed their heads toward you, and made their way over to Razor.

The young adult was picked up, and placed on two wolves' backs. You looked at them in their eyes, and the wolves that weren't carrying Razor bowed their heads to you, trusting you to lead their family somewhere safe. You started to sprint, and the pack followed you, making your way through the forest, and hopefully remember where Mondstadt was. Of course, you cringed knowing you could've gone back the entire time, but there were other matters. You made your way past the guards, and they froze when the wolf pack approached. "Lawrence, Swan, don't question and just deal with it." You spoke right as you were passing them. They let the pack in, and you all walked in the middle of Mondstadt, leading the pack to the cathedral. You desperately burst the door open, familiar startled blue eyes caught yours, and then the wolf pack behind you. "Y/N?!" Barbara yelped, before averting her gaze to the young man on two of the wolves. She gasped and made her way over to him, and with your help, gently placing him on the floor. His head was in your lap, and his breathing was shallow.

Barbara was doing her stuff, before the familiar scent of burning wood made you turn your head. "Hey Baraba! I got hurt again, sur- Razor!?" The ash-blonde yelled, running to your side, and kneeling down next to you. "What happened? Why is Razor hurt?" He attacked you with questions, and you choked up knowing you couldn't answer them properly. "Bennett, get your sword scolding hot, and place the flat side on his wound." You demanded, and he obliged, running his hand against his sword, and placing it on the wound. Razor thrashed, just barely, it hurt a ton, and you carefully stroked his scarred cheek with your thumb. You whispered words of comfort to him, but they were mainly for yourself. Razors hand twitched, and you gently held it. While Bennett and Barbara were doing their thing, you pressed your forehead against Razors, his eyes opened from the warmth, only a little, and his hand squeezed around yours. "Razor, happy to die, as long as Y/N, is by Razors side." He breathed out, and you shook your head. "Stop it, you're not going to die Razor, just hang on for a litte." You whimpered.

Feeling a hand press against your cheek, you opened your bloodshot eyes, moving your head to look at him completely, and to see that sweet smile your heart pounded at. You sniffled, leaning down to him, and he pulled you in for a sweet upside down kiss, you pressed back, shaking violently as you sniffled and hiccuped. You both pulled away, you didn't dare look up at the two trying to help Razor, but Razor looked beside him. You looked as well, and saw nothing, he smiled comfortably, his hearing was slowly going, drowning out the screams Barbara produced, and the yelling of his name from his love, his lupical. Two figures sat next to his head, both with a warm glow, one holding his cheek, and the other pressing against his chest. Razor moved his head to look at you, his smile still plastered on his face. Tears hit his face, and he carefully reached his hand to wipe them away. "Razor love you, Razor sorry." He meekly said, and you choked on your sobs. "I-I love you too, Razor, don't leave me yet, please." You whispered, your voice becoming broken, and he shook his head. "Mama and Papa say it's time for Razor to sleep. Razor shall listen. Now, never forget Razor, okay Y/N?" you nodded at his request, sobbing into his palm. He pulls you into another kiss, then presses his nose against yours. "Bye bye, Y/N, Razor will miss you." You sobbed, shaking your head in denial. "Please, please dont leave, please Razor!" You choked, his hand went limp, and so did his entire body with a last breath, he looked like he was peacefully sleeping, and you screamed, sobbing into his scarred chest. Bennett cupped his hands over his mouth, muffling his crying and words, and Barbara hung her head, feeling like a failure. His wolf pack howled and whined over the loss of a pack member, and you felt like a thousand knives just stabbed into your heart. The loud yell of his name from you was agonizing, and you carefully hugged his body.

Razor had been buried a few days later, and a small memorial was held for him. Only the people who knew Razor were there, which were very few. His pack, Lisa, Diluc, Kaeya (only because he was dragged there), Klee, Bennett, Aether/Lumine, and you. You all said your blessings to the young man, and you couldn't look up from the floor. After the memorial, you threw your satchel against the wall of your home, and threw your weapon, breaking the handle. You slumped against your door, your hand buried in your hair as you just cried, feeling the scabs of Razor's teeth marks on your neck. You coughed and choked, never lifting your head, why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it be you instead? Why did you lie to him?

It was your fault, that's what you had concluded, and that was all you had to know.

"Dear, come on, you've been working for hours, come rest." Your significant other said, and you smiled sweetly at them. "I will, just give me a moment." You said sleepily, and they laughed a little, kissing your head. "Want me to go tuck in the kids?" They asked, and you nodded, kissing their chek as your 'thank you', and they walked out of the office you worked in. You turned to what you were doing, running a finger over the familiar toothed necklace, then staring at the berry that had been on your desk. You took out a little trinket made out of purple and green resin, stuck a rope on it, and placed it in a little glass bowl. You got up, and walked out of the room, deeming your project complete.

The resin Wolfhook shined through the glass, wolves howled in the distance, and you could almost hear him, howling with his pack.

The End 

Shattered Wolfhook. (A Razor x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now