In Love With My Best Friend (Jade)

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No powers/high school AU: Jade and Y/N have been best friends since they were little kids. Jade is in love with Y/N, and confesses her feelings. (Flashbacks in bold)

Five year old Jade watches as Jed, who is older and always bullies the younger kids, pushes Y/N Y/L/N to the ground. Y/N scrapes her hands and starts to cry. Jade feels anger filling her body, and runs over.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Jade yells.

"What are you going to do about it?" Jed sneers.

Jade punches him in the stomach. Jed groans, and glares at the pair before hobbling away, clutching his stomach. Jade helps Y/N up.

"Are you okay?" Jade asks the girl.

"My knees got scraped up," Y/N whimpers.

"Let's go to the nurse," Jade says.

"Okay," Y/N agrees.

They walk to the nurse's office hand and hand. That is the start of an amazing friendship that will one day turn into something more.


"Hey Y/N/N" Jade greets as Y/N slides into the car.

"Hi Jadey," Y/N smiles.

"Ready to go?" Jade questions.

"You know it," Y/N nods.

"Hey, after school and flag football practice, are you free to come over? I want to talk to you about something?:\" Jade inquires nervously.

"Yeah, I'm free! My place or yours?" Y/N replies.

"Mine is fine. My folks are away on a business trip," Jade says as she parks the car.

"Okay. See you then. Thanks for the ride," Y/N smiles, kissing Jade's check before getting out of the car and heading to class.

Jade blushes, and once she is out of sight, groans. She plans to confess her feelings for her Y/N during their after school hang out, and is just so worried that she is going to ruin everything. 


After school, they meet up at Jade's locker. Y/N smiles at Jade, and Jade's heart flutters in her chest. Jade carries Y/N's backpack to the car, and they get in. They stop for some McDonald's, Jade getting a cheese burger and fries while Y/N gets some Mcnuggets and fries. They both get M&M Mcflurries. 

Heading inside the house, they go to Jade's room and sit on several cushions on the floor. They dig into their dinner. Jade chuckles as she notices Y/N get some ketchup on the corner of her mouth. She grabs a napkin and cleans it off Y/N's mouth. Y/N stares at her, and their eyes meet, light blue on Y/E/C.

"So, uh, what did you want to talk to me about?" Y/N questions, setting her nuggets aside. 

"You've been my best friend ever since we were little kids, Y/N/N. You mean the world to me and I don't want what I'm about to say ruin everything," Jade sighs.

"It won't, Jade. I promise," Y/N replies, taking Jade's hands in hers.

"Okay. I, uh, I love you, Y/N, as much more than a best friend. I'm in love with you, and I get it if you don't feel the same, I just needed to let you know," Jade confesses.

"Oh Jadey. Of course I do," Y/N smiles.

"Wait, really?" Jade asks.

"How could I not? I love you, Jadey," Y/N replies, eyeing Jade's lips.

Y/N leans in, cupping Jade's check, and kisses her lovingly. Jade giggles against Y/N's lips, running her fingers through Y/H/C locks, loving how soft they feel. When air becomes an issue, they break apart, resting their foreheads together. 

"I love you, Y/N/N. Be my girlfriend?" Jade questions.

"I love you too, Jade, and yes, I'll be your girlfriend," Y/N nods.

Y/N ends up sleeping over at Jade's that night, borrowing a pair of pajamas from her new girlfriend. She falls asleep quickly in Jade's arms, a smile on her face. Jade just watches her sleep for a few minutes, thankfully that she feels the same. Soon, she drifts off as well, Y/N safe and sound in her arms.

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