Jealous (Jade)

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A girl flirts with Jade at a bar and Y/N gets jealous. Adapted from another one of my books.Tw: mentions of alcohol

The gang is sitting at a table at a local bar, hanging out. The drinks are running low, so Jade gets up to grab another round, placing a kiss on Y/N's head.

Y/N smiles at this, but her smile quickly vanishes as she notices a pretty blonde girl approach Jade as she waits for the bartender to refill the drinks. She watches as the blonde strikes up a conversation with Jade, who politely converses with the blonde. Y/N can't help but frown.

"Y/N" Hope calls, getting the woman's attention.

"Yeah?" Y/N replies.

"You're jealous," Hope smirks teasingly.

"No I'm not. I just don't like people hitting on my girl," Y/N retorts.

"Sorry, little sis. I'm with Hope on this one. You are jealous," Lizzie shrugs, causing Y/N to roll her eyes at her friends and sisters.

Meanwhile at the bar, Jade is trying to be polite to the blonde, who she has learned in named Georgia. It is clear the women is hitting on her, but Jade isn't flirting back. She is trying to get back to her girlfriend and their friends.

"Listen, it was nice talking to you and all, but I really need to get back to my fiance and our friends," Jade says to Georgia.

"Oh. Alright. Well, it was nice meeting you. If you and your girl don't work out, hit me up," Georgia says, winking and handing Jade a piece of paper with her number on it.

"Nice meeting you too," Jade replies, shoving the paper into her pocket, having no intent to use it.

She grabs the drinks and makes her way back to the table, setting the glasses down and taking her seat next to Y/N, who refuses to look at her. Jade frowns, but continues to converse with her friends, making a mental note to talk to Y/N once they get home. After about an hour, they all decide to call it a night.

Jade and Y/N leave together on Jade's motorcycle and return to their shared apartment. Y/N takes her shoes and coat off, and without a word to Jade, heads to the bedroom. She changes into her pajamas and brushes her teeth before climbing into bed. Jade does the same before climbing in beside her girl.

"Baby?" Jade asks once the lights have been turned off.

"Mm?" Y/N replies, not bothering to roll over to look at Jade.

"Are you mad at me? You haven't said a word to me since I went to get drinks from the bar," Jade sighs.

"I'm not mad, Jade," Y/N says.

"You won't even look at me, Y/N. Please look at me," Jade begs.

Y/N sighs, relenting and rolling over, coming face to face with Jade. Jade strokes the other woman's Y/H/C hair out of her Y/E/C eyes and frowns.

"What's wrong, then? Something's clearly wrong, love. Talk to me," Jade begs.

"I'm jealous, okay? I'm jealous of that blonde who gave you her number even though she knew you were taken," Y/N admits, frowning.

"Baby, you don't need to be jealous. I'm all yours. I love you so much, Y/N Saltzman. You're the only one I want," Jade promises, looking deep into Y/N's Y/E/C eyes.

"She gave you her number," Y/N humphs.

"I threw it in the trash. You're all I want," Jade informs Y/N.

Y/N straddles Jade and kisses her passionately, hands running through Jade's soft hair. Jade kisses her back, clinging to Y/N. Y/N begins to kiss down Jade's neck, leaving love bites.

"There," Y/N says, rolling off Jade to take her into her arms, "Now everyone knows you're mine,"

"Okay, baby, okay," Jade laughs, resting her head on Y/N's chest.

"Goodnight, Jadey. I love you," Y/N whispers.

"I love you too. I'm yours, forever," Jade promises.

Y/N watches as Jade falls asleep in her arms before allowing herself to drift off as well, feeling so lucky that she gets to call this incredible women hers. She can't wait to marry Jade and is looking forward to the rest of their lives together.

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