Bad Day(Lulu Antariska and Kaylee Bryant /Reader)

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Lulu and Kaylee take care of their girlfriend after Y/N has a bad day at work. Y/N is a police detective. 

Kaylee and Lulu smile when they hear the door open. It shuts as their girlfriend, Y/N, enters the house. Bohdi immediately rushes to great her, yipping happily. The actresses frown as they don't hear Y/N talking to him in a vice you would use with a baby like she usually does. 

"Y/N?" Kaylee calls.

They don't hear Y/N reply, so they head to the front door. Y/N is kneeling in front of Bohdi, petting him. His tail is wagging anxiously as if he can tell something is wrong with Y/N. Y/N looks up at her girlfriends, and they gasp as they take in her face. She has a split lip and a black eye as well as as nasty cut on her forehead. Her knuckles are bloody and bruised from fighting back.

"Baby, what the hell happened?" Lulu asks, pulling Y/N to her feet.

"Let's just say the perp of the robbery case I've been working didn't want to go quietly," Y/N sighs.

"Oh honey. Come on. Let's get you patched up," Kaylee coos.

They lead Y/N to the bedroom. Kaylee sits with her on the bed while Lulu goes to grab the first aid kit. The raven haired women kneels in front of Y/N, first aid kit open beside her. Y/N winces as Lulu swipes at her knuckles with an antiseptic wipe before bandaging them with some non stick pads and gauze. 

"Sorry, love," Lulu apologizes, kissing each bandages knuckle.

"It's okay," Y/N replies.

"Kay, go grab some ice while I do her forehead, will you?" Lulu asks.

"Sure thing," Kaylee nods, kissing Y/N's check before heading off to grab the ice.

"He got you good, huh, babe?" Lulu sighs as she cleans the cut on Y/N's forehead.

"Yeah, but I got him worse. He's in the hospital," Y/N smirks.

"That's my girl," Lulu smiles, placing the bandage over the disinfected cut. 

"Here, darling," Kaylee says as she comes back with the ice.

She hands it to Y/N, who smiles her thanks and holds it up to her eye. Lulu packs up and puts way the first aid kit. She returns and sits on Y/N's other side.

"Do you want to shower before bed?" Kaylee questions.

"No. I showered at the station before heading home. I just want to curl up with you two and go to sleep," Y/N replies.

"Alright then. I take it you want one of my hoodies and a pair of Kaylee's sweats?" Lulu nods.

"Please," Y/N confirms, blushing.

Lulu grabs the desired sleep wear, and hands it to Y/N. Kaylee and Lulu help their girlfriend change, as they know she is sore from her fight. Y/N locks her gun away in the safe before they all head to the bathroom and brush their teeth. Kaylee and Lulu change as well and double check that the doors are all locked up for the night after letting Bohdi out to use the bathroom one last time. They all snuggle into bed, Y/N between the two actresses. Bohdi curls up at the foot of the bed, and is the first to fall asleep, his soft doggie snores filling the otherwise silent room. 

"I love you too so much," Y/N yawns.

"We love you too, darling. Get some rest," Lulu coos.

The actresses watch, eyes filled with love, as Y/N drifts off to sleep, knowing she is safe and sound in her girls' arms. Soon, Lulu and Kaylee fall asleep as well, thanking their lucky stars for the gift that is Y/N. 

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