Our Little Family (Lizzie Saltzman's Daughter)

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No powers AU: Lizzie had Y/N when she was sixteen from a one night stand. The father never wanted to be involved with Y/N, so Lizzie has raised her on her own. Seventeen year old Y/N meets her mom's new girlfriend, Hope, for the first time. Hope quickly becomes a second mom to Y/N.

"Good morning sweetheart," Lizzie smiles as her seventeen year old comes down stairs, dressed in blue jeans and a grey and blue striped t-shirt.

"Hi mom," Y/N yawns, sliding onto a bar stool.

"I made you some  chocolate chip pancakes from scratch," Lizzie states.

"Okay, what's up?" Y/N questions.

"What do you mean? Can't I make breakfast for my little girl?" Lizzie replies.

"You only make pancakes from scratch when you want me to do something. What's the catch, mom?" Y/N asks as she digs into her pancakes.

"Okay, you got me. You know how I've been seeing someone for a while now?" Lizzie sighs, sitting beside her daughter.

"Yeah. Her name's Hope, right?" Y/N nods.

"That's right. I invited her over for dinner tonight, and I want you to meet her. Is that okay?" Lizzie questions.

"Of course. I would love to, mom. She makes you happy, so I already like her," Y/N agrees.

"Good, and yeah, baby, she does make me so happy, but you do too, my little princess," Lizzie smiles, kissing Y/N's head.

"You know I'm seventeen, right?" Y/N protests. 

"Hush and eat your breakfast" Lizzie scolds teasingly.

"Yes, mom," 


That night, the doorbell rings. Lizzie opens it and smiles as she sees Hope, who is dressed in a white dress and leather jacket. Hope smiles right back at her and pecks her lips in greeting. 

"Hi love," Hope greets.

"Hey babe. Come in. Y/N should be down soon," Lizzie replies.

Hope enters the house. The pair sit on the couch and wait for Y/N to come down stairs. Soon enough, Y/N comes down the stairs and smiles at her mother and girlfriend.

"Y/N, this is Hope. Hope, this is my daughter Y/N," Lizzie introduces.

"Hi Y/N it's nice to meet you. Your mom has told me so much about you," Hope smiles.

"Likewise," Y/N replies, taking a seat in the leather recliner, "You seem nice and all, but if you hurt my mother I will end you, Hope."

"Y/N!" Lizzie scolds.

"No, it's okay. You're a fiery one, just like your mother. I think we will get along well," Hope chuckles, "And I would never hurt your mother, Y/N. I love her very much."

"Good," Y/N smiles, "Very good."


Four months later, Lizzie slips off her shoes as she enters the house. She does her best to be quiet, knowing is is late so Y/N and Hope, who moved in with them about a month ago, are bound to be asleep. She finds Hope still awake on the couch, Y/N laying down with her head in Hope's lap. Y/N is out cold, snoring softly. Hope is staring down at the teen with happy tears streaming down her face.

"Hey. Are you okay, Hope?" Lizzie asks quietly, sitting down next to the pair.

"Yes. Happy tears, Liz," Hope nods.

"Okay. May I ask why?" Lizzie replies.

"She called me mama. Right before she drifted off. She called me mama. I hope that's okay with you," Hope explains.

"Of course it's okay. I'm so glad she called you that, Hope. It's just been Y/N and I since the day she was born, and I'm glad that she has you now," Lizzie smiles, kissing Hope briefly.

"You both have me. Forever and always," Hope promises.

"I love you, Hope," Lizzie sighs happily.

"I love you too, Lizzie," Hope replies.

Both women gaze lovingly down at the sleeping teenager. They simply watch as she sleeps, hearts filled with love for her and for each other. No words can describe Lizzie's joy that her daughter has found a second mother in Hope, and can't wait to marry Hope one day, as Hope is the final piece needed to complete their little family.

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