Build A Bear (Josie Saltzman)

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Josie makes Y/N go to Build A Bear. No powers AU.

"Babe, can we please go to Build A Bear?" Josie begs Y/N the moment she enters their house.

"You know we're like twenty five, right?" Y/N chuckles as she puts away her keys and bag.

"But it's Build A Bear. Please, Y/N/N" Josie pouts.

Y/N sighs, turning to face Josie. At the sight of the brunette's adorable pout, she instantly caves, and nods. Josie squeals happily and runs to grab her shoes and coat. Y/N grabs her keys and bag from where she just put them away, and catches Josie as she rushes down the stairs.

"Over eager much, Jojo?" Y/N questions.

"It's Build A Bear, Y/N!" Josie replies.

"Let's get going, then," Y/N nods.

They hop into Y/N's red Chevy pickup truck and drive to the local mall. Josie is smiling the entire time, which makes Y/N smile as well. She's always loved the other woman's smile; it lights up the entire room. It's what drew her to the brunette in the first place all those years ago when they were still in Freshmen in college. 

Once they reach the mall, they head straight to Build A Bear where Josie beings ogling over the various stuffed animal choices. She eventually chooses a cocoa brown stuffed rabbit with pink accents on its' ears. Josie makes Y/N pick one as well so they can make them for each other. Willing to do anything to see Josie's smile, Y/N agrees. Y/N picks out a pink teddy bear with the softest fur imaginable. 

After stuffing the bears with stuffing and adding scenes (Coke a Cola for the rabbit, bubblegum for the bear), they head to the clothes area. It is filled with so many little, tiny clothes. Josie picks a pair of light blue leggings and a white pull over hoodie with a rainbow on it. For shoes, she picks some white sandals with gold accents. Y/N selects a yellow skirt and a white shirt that reads "Cutie" in sequence letters. She also picks some yellow converse. They dress the stuffed animals, name them (The bunny is dubbed Cola while the bear is named Fuzzy Wuzzy), pay the cashier, and head home.

That night, as Y/N slips under the covers beside Josie, she notices that there are two strange lumps in the bed. Flipping the bedside lamp on, she finds Cola and Fuzzy Wuzzy tucked in between Josie and herself. Josie looks at Y/N, and shrugs.

"They were lonely on the chair," Josie defends.

"They can stay, but only if I'm still able to get my nightly cuddles and good night kiss," Y/N replies, pointing to her lips.

Josie giggles, and kisses Y/N briefly before rolling onto her side. Y/N rolls onto her side so she is facing Josie and wraps an arm around her waist as best as she can with the stuffed toys in the way.

"Thank you for going to Build A Bear with me," Josie whispers sleepily, "I love you, baby"

"You're welcome, and I love you too. Get some sleep, Jo," Y/N replies.

Y/N watches as Josie drifts off, her Y/E/C eyes filled with nothing but love for the brunette. Growing sleepy as well, Y/N closes her eyes and falls fast asleep, Josie, Cola, and Fuzzy Wuzzy all wrapped safe and sound in her arms. 

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