Playing With The Kids(Hizzie/Reader)

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Y/N loves playing with the kids. Hope and Lizzie love watching her play with them.

"Lizzie, Y/N! Look!" Pedro exclaims, running up to the pair.

"What is it, Pedro?" Lizzie asks, sitting up from where she is laying with her head in Y/N's lap on the grass.

"I found a stick! It looks like a sling shot!" Pedro tells them, waving the y-shaped stick around.

"That's so cool, buddy. Maybe we can find a rubber band and make it into a sling shot for you later," Y/N comments.

"Yay! Hold it while I play please," Pedro replies, handing Y/N the stick before running off to play with his classmates.

"He's so cute," Y/N chuckles.

"He really is," Lizzie agrees.

"Y/N/N! Come play!" Pedro calls.

Y/N looks at Lizzie questioningly. She knows they came out here to spend some time together, just the two of them, while Hope was doing schoolwork.

"Go play, babe," Lizzie urges.

Y/N nods, and Lizzie sits up so she can go play with the kids. Lizzie laughs as she watches them play chase, Y/N trying her best to run away from the ten or so kids chasing her. One of the little girls, one of Pedro's friends, trips, but before she can hit the ground, Y/N grabs her. The near fall scares her, so Y/N holds her and soothes her. Lizzie watches, a soft smile on her face. "She's going to make a great mother one day" she thinks to herself. Y/N comes over, still carrying the little girl.

"Someone wants to sit with you and just watch for a bit," She says, placing the girl, who Lizzie now remembers is called Eleanor, on the log beside Lizzie.

"Sounds good to me," Lizzie shrugs.

Y/N runs off when the other kids call for her. This time she is chasing them down.

"She's fast! Is she your girlfriend?" Eleanor asks.

"She is. Do you know Hope?" Lizzie replies.

"Yeah! She's pretty," The small girl giggles.

"Hope's also my girlfriend. Hope, Y/N, and I all love each other very much," Lizzie explains.

"That's cool! You have two people who love you! I'm going to go play now. Bye Lizzie!" Eleanor says, running off to play again.

Hope, who has just finished her school work, comes out to sit beside Lizzie on the log.

"Hey Liz," Hope says, kissing Lizzie's check.

"Hi baby. Did you finish your work?" Lizzie asks.

"Sure did. Y/N being one of the kids again?" Hope replies.

"She sure it," Lizzie laughs, watching as Y/N gives up and flops dramatically onto the floor. The kids squeal and climb on top of her.

"Uh oh. Dog pile. Or should I say, wolf pile," Hope chuckles.

"Dog pile is fitting. She is essentially a big puppy, you both are," Lizzie replies.

"Rude," Hope scoffs, shoving Lizzie jokingly.

The kids all get off Y/N, and Lizzie and Hope watch as Pedro whispers something into her ear. Y/N grins, and before they can react, she is running towards them. She grabs Hope and pins her down.

"Get her, kids," Y/N tells them.

They all grin evilly and pile onto Hope, who tries not to laugh, but fails. Lizzie laughs at the sight.

"Good job, everyone," Lizzie cheers once they have Hope pinned.

"What is going on here?" Emma asks as she and Dr. Saltzman come outside to collect the kids.

"We dog piled Hope!" Pedro exclaims happily.

"I see," Dr. Saltzman nods, trying not to laugh.

"I need a picture of this. Y/N, Lizzie, crouch beside the pile. Everyone else, stay put and smile," Emma instructs.

Everyone does as she asks and she snaps several photos.

"Okay. Y/N, get the gremlins off of me," Hope tells Y/N.

"You heard Hope. Off ya go," Y/N says, lifting several kids off Hope and setting them on their feet.

The rest climb off and Hope stands up, glaring at Y/N playfully.

"Time for dinner, kids. Come on," Emma calls.

Y/N hands Pedro his stick and the group of kids follows Emma and Dr. Saltzman inside.

"You're on a cuddle ban for that stunt for the rest of the night," Hope tells Y/N.

"Dam. Worth it though," Y/N shrugs.

"Aw, am I on a cuddle ban too?" Lizzie asks.

"You laughed, so yeah," Hope pouts.

The trio head back into the school. After they eat dinner, they go to Hope's room to go to bed. Hope ends up cuddling the pair anyway, unable to help herself. The three fall asleep quickly, smiles on each of their faces, safe and sound in each other's arms.

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