[23] Confessions

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As soon as the fight began, all hell broke loose. The Black Hood unsheathed an obsidian knife with a curved blade similar to hers and twirled it dangerously in his hand before taking a swing at her head. She sidestepped the attack just in the nick of time. However, that didn't stop her from wincing from the small graze on her cheek. She brought a finger up to her cheek and felt the warm, stickiness of her blood dripping down her face. The vigilante smirked under his mask and proceeded to go on the offensive, with vigorous movements to counter hers and put her on the backpedal. As the fight dragged on, with each of them trading blows with one another, they moved further and further into the containment room.

"我沒想到你會被這個卑鄙的人,甜心所困擾," the vigilante mocked causing her to sneer. She attacked with more ferocity swinging her hooked knives at his throat. He whirled out of the way with ease and pivoted on his feet and kicked her square in the chest, forcing her to the ground with a painful grunt and knocking the blades from her hands. Before she could come to her senses, the Black Hood was on top of her with his knee pressed against her chest and his blade at her throat. "我們達成協議,你這個混蛋!" she hissed. In response, the vigilante pressed the blade harder against her neck drawing blood. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. 我告訴你保持低調,不要進入我的城市,而你兩個都沒有," the Black Hood whispered harshly in her ear. "所以,告訴我為什麼我不應該割你的喉嚨?" Before she could answer, the Black Hood heard his partner called out to him and police sirens in the distance. Quickly looking up, he saw the flashing red and blue lights of the cop cars pulling up to the dock.

"We have to move!" the Hood growled.

The Black Hood looked back down at his prey and sneered. "This is not over. Understand? We'll talk about this later." Then he got off of her and bolted towards the exit with his partner in tow.

* * *

The vigilantes darted through the docks to avoid the police. However, they didn't make it very far before they were flagged down by Detective Lance. "FREEZE!" he yelled. The vigilantes stopped dead in their tracks, keeping their heads tilted downward so that Lance couldn't get a good look at them. "You twitch and you're dead, both of you!" Quentin said. "Weapons down. Hands up." Then faster than Lance could blink, the Hood flung a blinking arrow in the detective's direction making him drop his gun and look towards the arrow.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Black Hood take a step forward before saying, "We want the same thing as you. To see justice served." "Is that right?" Quentin griped as he finally got a clear look at the top half of the man's face. By now, the green hooded vigilante had fled off into the night. Yet, here was the other masked crusader chopping it up with the man trying to arrest him. "Just listen to the recording, Detective. You'll see what I'm talking about," the vigilante answered back. For a moment, the lights at the docks bounced off his eyes, which allowed the cop to see perfectly the hooded man's vibrant green eyes.

He's got green eyes, make note of that. He told himself inwardly.

Before Lance could do or say anything, the vigilante shot off a flashbang arrow and disappeared without a trace. "Damn it!" Lance swore. He exhaled and looked back at the arrow lodged into the container behind him and walked over and pressed the green button to stop the beeping. However, instead, the next noise he heard was the sound of Martin Somers' voice. It was a confession. A confession under duress, but a confession nevertheless.

He scoffed begrudgingly, "Well played, lunatics. Well played."

* * *

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