[127] Investigations and Infiltrations

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The early the next morning, Laurel got up and went to the dining room and got on her computer, and pulled up the latest article headlining Thea's impending trial. A few moments later, Tommy walked in rubbing his eyes and yawning. "I'm learning that you're not much of a morning snuggler," he grumbled tiredly.

"And I'm learning that you don't like to wake up at any hour that ends in the a.m.," Laurel smiled.

"That's true. Yeah," Tommy agreed. "So, if you're busy being a lawyer all day and I'm managing a nightclub all night, when exactly do we get to see each other?" Laurel looked up from her computer screen and furrowed her brow as Tommy grabbed her cup of coffee and brought it up to his lips. "I'm not sure. I guess we'll have to work on that," Laurel mused.

Just then, the doorbell rang, cutting off their conversation. Tommy placed the coffee mug back on the table and kissed the side of Laurel's head, saying, "Don't worry, I got it." Then he walked over to answer the door. However, he was quite surprised when he opened the door and saw the Queen brothers standing in the doorway. "Hey," Oliver said.

"Hey," Tommy replied awkwardly. Back in the living room, Laurel got up and started heading Tommy's way when she saw who he was talking to. "So, um, how— how is, is your sister?" Tommy stammered.

"As good as she can be given the circumstances," Dearden replied haughtily. "Now, are the two of you just gonna stand here being awkward over the fact that you kissed Laurel or can we cut the crap?"

"Someone's in a mood this morning," Laurel snorted as she finally made it up to the boys and let Dearden and Oliver into the apartment.

"Yeah, well, you would be, too, if you found out that your little sister is an irresponsible, reckless..." Dearden trailed off once he realized that Laurel did know what that was like, causing the room to be plunged into another wave of awkwardness. "Oh, sorry."

"It's okay," Laurel responded.

"No, it's not, but thanks for putting up with me anyway," Dean exhaled. "And thank you for showing up at court yesterday. It meant a lot."

"Of course," Laurel nodded. "But I don't think the judge is willing to move off his position."

Dearden clenched his jaw and Oliver let out a despondent sigh. "Damn it!" Oliver swore.

"Taking a hard line against criminals is a platform for his reelection," Laurel explained.

"We need you to talk to your father," Dearden pleaded, causing Tommy and Laurel to raise their eyebrows in disbelief. "He's inside the system and... maybe he can cash in a chip with Judge Brackett and gets him off throwing the book at Thea."

"Dean, I don't think—" Laurel began.

"Laurel, we are working on something on our end, but if it doesn't pan out..." Oliver chimed in, "then this is our best chance to help our sister."

"Birdie," Dean implored, "please."

"I'll see what I can do," Laurel exhaled. "But no promises."

"Thank you," Oliver smiled. Then he and Dearden nodded at Tommy before turning around and leaving the apartment.

*                             *                              *

Later that evening, Laurel did as she said and went to speak with her father. And just like she expected the answer wasn't a good one. "Absolutely not!" her father had said, as he stormed away from his daughter.

However, Laurel would not be deterred. "Dad, I know you hate Oliver," she began.

"Then why would you even ask me to do this?" Lance cut off.

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