[68] Invitation Only

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"Well, I'm sorry Walter couldn't make it," Janice Bowen said cordially as she, her son, Moira, and Thea stood in the dining room. "Ah, yes, well the Australia trip came up suddenly. But he sends his apologies," Moira smiled. "And where are Oliver and Dearden?" Carter asked politely. "They're not out of town, too, are they?" Moira glanced at her watch, saying, "Well, I'm sure they're just—"

"Stuck in traffic," Dearden announced as he and Oliver walked in. Moira sighed with barely concealed relief as she went up to them and they kissed her cheeks. "One of the things we didn't miss on the island, Sunday drivers," Oliver joked, earning a laugh from the small group. As Oliver and Dearden went to hug his sister and she whispered, "Thank God you're here. And Dearden there's something you need to know."

"Not now, Thea," Dearden muttered. Then he turned to face the guests in his home. "Mrs. Bowen, lovely to see you again," Dearden smiled, going in for a hug. "Oh, it is so good to see you again," she grinned. "We all thought you and your brother were—" "Well, we are just glad to have them home," Moira cut in mildly. "Hmm, and returning as celebrities, too," Carter chimed in with veiled envy.

Dearden's eyes sparkled wickedly, as he let out an arrogant chuckle. "Well, I'm still not as much of a celebrity as you," he replied. "After all, you are the one who always won at, well, everything when we were growing up. However, I guess I should be thankful that I finally got a victory under my belt. Now all I need is 9,000 more and the two of us will be neck-and-neck with each other."

"Not if I can get another 9,000 under my belt," Carter chuckled. "However, I will accept the challenge if you will."

"Absolutely," Dean drawled. The two golden sons of their respective families laughed sardonically before trailing off into a disdainful sigh. A brief yet awkward silence followed the men's exchange before Oliver chimed in and said, "So, who's hungry?"

That seemed to correct the state of affairs as everyone quickly forgot about the odd interaction between Dean and Carter, as they shuffled towards the dining table. Once everyone was far enough away Dearden muttered to his brother, "Can I shoot him?" Oliver grimaced and exhaled deeply, "Not in public." Then they plastered on their best socialite smiles and joined the others at the table.

"But anyway, has anyone told you guys that there is a bidding war on your life stories?" Carter asked when they sat down.

"Really?" Oliver gleamed with faux interest.

"Yeah, at least that's what my agent tells me," Carter remarked.

Dean raised his eyebrow. "Agent? I thought you were a neurosurgeon." "I know, it's crazy," Carter began. "I mean, one minute I'm publishing this book on how long-term potentiation initiates the creation of a slow-moving protein synthesis, and the next, an agent is trying to make me the next Dr. Oz."

Oliver frowned in confusion. "Why would he want you to be a wizard?"

Dearden facepalmed and Thea rolled her eyes while the others chuckled lightly. "Ollie, even I know who Dr. Oz is," Dean grumbled. "For all our sakes, would you please pick up a magazine or turn on the television?"

Just then, the doorbell rang, and both Dearden and Thea sprang to their feet, saying, "I'll get it!" The siblings looked across from each other intensely. "Oh, nonsense, both of you sit down," Moira chimed. "Raisa, will you please get the door?" The maid nodded and did as she was told while Dean and Thea sat back down slowly, still keeping eye contact. It was then that Dearden noticed how antsy Thea looked and that only served to make him more suspicious.

A few seconds later Raisa reentered the room with a matching nervous expression, and said, "We have two more guests that have just arrived." Dearden was puzzled and Oliver tilted his head. Meanwhile, Moira narrowed her eyes at her sons in an accusatory glare. "Hey, don't look at us, we didn't invite anyone," Dean started.

"Not according to your sister," a familiar voice called out behind Dean making him pale visibly. He quickly swiveled in his chair to the source of the voice and was astonished to see his girlfriend standing at the entrance of the dining room awkwardly.

"Mia?" he balked.

Mia opened her mouth to speak, but she was cut off by the sound of light footsteps pounding on the wooden floors, as a little boy came darting into the room and jumping into Dearden's lap, yelling, "DADDY!"


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