Whiskey and Whiskers

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15 Days of One-Shots (2/15) 

Maybe they’d all drank a bit too much. But that cat had eyes a bit too similar to Harry, who’d been missing for hours, to be a coincidence. So either Zayn had spiked their drinks with something horrid, or Harry Styles was a cat. 

It happened at Louis and Harry’s Halloween party. It was midnight, and Louis worked his way through the hoards of people who had smushed themselves into their apartment, dancing against each other to music that Louis was sure the neighbors would report soon.

He finally found Harry, laughing loudly with Niall, the too huddle in the corner as they watched girls grind up against Zayn in the middle of the living room.

“We need more liquor!” Louis yelled over the loud music, waving an empty bottle of rum to emphasize his point, “Can you go get some?”

Harry grinned and nodded, leaning in and smacking his lips against Louis’, before sauntering through the door of the apartment.

Two hours later, the party had died down, and Harry still wasn’t back.

“He won’t answer his phone,” Louis groaned, tossing it on the couch cushions and sinking down into an armchair, head in his hands. “Fuck. I knew he shouldn’t drive, but it was right down the street, but now he’s probably dead and there’s blood and-“

“Oi,” Liam suddenly appeared in the doorway. He’d been sent out, to search for Harry, and instead had returned with a small little black cat, huddled in his arms, “Look what I found outside your flat-“

“Put it down!” Niall hissed, and in shock Liam half-threw the cat out of his hands, the cat landing on its feet and scurrying under the couch, “What the fuck are you doing? Black cat? On this Holiday? Really?”

Liam rolled his eyes and fell down on his stomach, peaking his head under the couch to look at the cat.

“Forget about the fucking cat!” Louis yelled, “Harry is missing!”

Suddenly the cat reemerged, meowing loudly, and pawing at Louis’ leg who looked down, frowning slightly. He slowly bent down and lifted the cat up, staring into it’s eyes.

“Liam,” Louis said carefully, licking his lips nervously, “Does this cat have Harry’s eyes.”

Suddenly Zayn, Niall and Liam were crowding behind him, all staring intently at the small kitten in his hands.

“Are you…are you Harry,” Niall asked, the the four boys stared at the cat as it meowed back, setting his little paw on Louis’ chest.

“Holy, motherfucking shit,” Zayn mutted, sinking down into a chair and staring at the cat, Louis was now cradling against his chest, “I’m not drunk enough for this.

“This isn’t real life,” Liam shook his head, “One of you spiked my drink! I’m drugged! This-this isn’t happening. Zayn! What did you put in my drink!”

“I like him,” Niall declared, reaching out and plucking Kitty-Harry from Louis, stroking his head. Harry nuzzled his head up against Niall’s check and purred contently, closing his eyes. Louis sunk down into a chair next to Zayn, and rested his head in his hands.

“How did this happens.” Liam groaned, head resting in his hands, “I’m serious, one I find out which one of you idiots spiked my drink, I’m going to kill you. This isn’t funny.”

“It’s not a joke Liam, calm the fuck down,” Zayn muttered, rolling his eyes, “We kind of have a situation on hand.”

Niall shrugged, continuing to pet the purring kitty, “At least we know where Harry is.”

“So, don’t get me wrong. I’m glad Harry’s alive, but. I can’t exactly date a kitty. And the cat can’t exactly sing. So maybe we should figure out just what the fuck is going on,” Louis groaned, and Niall sat down next to him, on the armrest of his chair, Kitty-Harry scurrying down from Niall’s lap and settling into Louis’, pawing at Louis’ hand until the boy finally began to scratch his head.

“Maybe it’s like a 24 hour thing,” Liam suggested.

“Maybe it’s like a 12 hour thing,” Zayn tossed out.

“Maybe it’s like The Princess and The Frog, and you have to kiss him,” Niall threw out, and Liam and Zayn turned to stare at him with incredulous looks, “What? That’s not any more fucked up than the situation we’re already in. Harry is a fucking cat!”

Louis turned to stare down at the kitty in his lap, that looked up with the same eyes of the boy he was in love with. With a heavy sigh, and a swig from the last beer, he’d taken from their fridge, he leaned in and pecked the cat with his lips.

There wasn’t any magical sound or light change, just a pop, and suddenly the weight on his lap was 160 pounds heavier, with a mess of curls.

“Oof,” Louis groaned, shoving Harry off his lap, the younger boy landing on the floor. Liam, Zayn, Niall and Louis all crowded around Harry, who stared back, raising a brow at them all.

“So that was fucked up,” Harry finally said, and Louis reached for a blanket to drape around Harry’s naked body.

“What happened?” Liam asked.

“Was it the old lady down the hall?” Zayn asked, “She looks like a witch-“

“No Zayn, she’s just old,” Louis muttered, rolling his eyes, “There’s a difference.”

Harry shrugged, “I don’t know. One minute I was walking to the elevator and the next minute I had four legs and was craving tuna-actually, I’m still kind of in the mood for tuna. Louis, do we have any of that?”

Louis chuckled and leaned forward, pulling Harry into a kiss, “After that? I’ll find some. You deserve it.”

The two got up and walked over to the kitchen, and Niall shrugged, pushing himself onto his feet in search for food from their kitchen, leaving Zayn and Liam alone in the living room, both staring at each other in silent shock.

“So, we’re just moving on from that then?” Zayn asked and Liam nodded wordlessly. “Thats seriously fucked up. You’re right, I must’ve spiked the drinks.”

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