Horrible Bosses

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15 Days of One-Shots (7/15) 

Louis Tomlinson’s job is to intern for his dick of a boss, Harry Styles, who’s favorite past times include yelling and insulting Tomlinson. However, when an elevator malfunctions and the two find themselves stuck, alone together, the truth comes out.

Louis sighed as he pushed the coffee cart through the narrow halls of the office building he was working in. He’d been forced into the internship by his stepfather, who had promised to throw him out on his ass if he didn’t take a summer job. And this summer job entailed working in hell from 9-5 with the devil himself, Harry Styles.

Mr. Styles was young, a prodigy of sorts, at nineteen, already leading some of the law firm’s most challenging cases.

He was also a massive dick.

“Mr. Styles,” Louis said, as he entered Mr. Styles’ corner office.

“I’m on the phone!” Harry yelled, and Louis jumped, spilling the hot coffee over his shirt and Mr. Styles’ floor, “Oh for fucks sake. Niall, I’ll call you back.”

Harry slammed his phone down and glared at Louis, who was using his hand to wipe off the coffee as best he could, “My coffee?” Harry asked, after a moment of silence and Louis looked up, eyes wide in confusion.

Had he just missed what had happened?

“I, uh, spilled it sir-”

“You, uh, spilled it?” Harry mocked, and Louis nodded slowly, “Well then you better fucking get me a new one, you worthless overage no good dumbass of a fucking intern! Shouldn’t you?”

Louis swallowed quickly and nodded, before slowly backing out of the room, heart pounding in his chest. He shut the door behind him and glanced around at the dozens of pairs of eyes that were staring at him sympathetically, before they all turned back to their own work and Louis left for the local starbucks, again.


That night, still sporting his stained t-shirt, Louis was forced to stay late, sorting through paperwork that Mr. Payne, a young associate, had asked him to go through before leaving.

He’d just filed the last report and had gathered his jacket in his arms, walking over the elevator. The doors were just about to shut, when a loud voice demanded he catch the door, and Louis swung his briefcase forward, stopping the doors just in time for Mr. Styles to slip into the door.

Louis stiffened, as he looked at his hardass of a boss, but Harry didn’t bother acknowledging him, reaching out and hitting the ground floor button silently.

The elevator was full of thick silence, but it was bearable, up until the moment the elevator shuddered to a halt, between the second and third floor.

“Oh shit,” Louis hissed, and Harry groaned, leaning back against the wall of the elevator. The two stood in silence for a few minutes, both waiting for the elevator to resume, but it didn’t, and one can really only avoid talking in a situation like this for so long, before the awkwardness begins to kill. “Does this happen often?”

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