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15 Days of One-Shots (11/15) 

Harry’s been on a tour of duty for eight months, and is finally coming home, to the one he loves. But eight months is a long time, and though things may appear to be the same, nothing remains unchanged for long. 

Harry’s fingers drummed nervously against the backpack in his lap, as he stared out the window of the aircraft he was in, as the ground below him got closer and closer.

Eight months, it’d been since he’d stepped foot on that ground. A tour of duty, for eight months he’d been away from his family and friends.

He’d been away from the love of his life for eight months, and now, he was finally about to touch ground, come home, and see Louis.

“You’re making me nervous mate.”

Harry rolled his eyes and turned to face Niall, who’d fought side-by-side with him for the whole eight months he’d been deployed.

“Just excited,” Harry muttered, fingers still drumming, “I haven’t seen-“

“Louis in eight months, yeah mate, so I’ve heard,” Niall laughed loudly, flashing his bright smile, “I’m excited for ya mate. Wish I could meet him.”

“He’ll probably be at the base, waiting for me,” Harry grinned, just thinking about it, “I’ll introduce you two.”

“Sounds great, you can meet me Mum, and me brother. Almost as good as having a long term boyfriend come pick ya up,” Niall laughed loudly again and Harry smirked, leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes as he felt the aircraft begin to dip down for it’s final descent.

Eight months since Louis had held him, eight months since Harry’s lips had crashed with Louis’, since he’d woken up, naked and sweaty curled up at Louis’ side.

And now he’d have a lifetime of that.

The ring he’d purchased, while on leave, was heavy in the pocket of his uniform. He’d walk straight up to Lou, drop down on his knee, and promise to make up for the eight months they’d been apart, by promising a lifetime together.

Harry opened his eyes as the plane jolted on the runway, screeching to a stop, and his stomach fluttered in excitement as he hurried with the buckle of his seat, slapping Niall on the back, before pushing his way to the exit.

There was a crowd of people on the runway, all clapping and cheering for their soldiers, as they returned home to their loved ones.

Harry grinned brightly, skimming the group, looking for the familiar tussled hair, but instead only finding his Mum, teary eyed and grinning, his sister and step-father cheering by her side.

His smile threatened to drop, but he forced it on, for his Mum, and slowly made his way over to her, eyes still skimming the crowd for a striped shirt or bright blue eyes.  But he made it into his mother’s arms without a glimpse of Louis, and his heart dropped in his chest, mind on overdrive to find an excuse of Louis not showing up to welcome him.

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